Chapter 423 - Foolishness (1/2)


”Ouch, ouch. That hurts Lyn, how could you do this? I'm the man of your destiny.”

Lyn's eyes twitched in annoyance, ”Yes yes you are. But I thought you returned the stolen stuff already.”

”It's too good to let go of. Besides those punks don't need it.”

Rhys sighed when he watched the two. 'So childish, both of them.' But, he glanced over at Lyn in particular. When Lyn is around Kazuya, she is more carefree. When it's just the two of them, she always avoids looking at him and she's nervous all the time. Rhys liked it whenever he saw her nervous, it meant the girl is self conscious. However, at the same time he wants to see Lyn act this way towards him too.

”I'm taking you to my eldest brother!”

”Huh? Wait, wait Lyn...”

Lyn kept scolding Kazuya and talking about how wrong it is to steal. Indeed, Rhys can't exactly praise or help his friend out here. At first Kazuya only stole goods that were originally stolen items, he intended to send it to back to their owners. But after somebody tricked him, Kazuya became a genuine thief. There was a time where Kazuya lived under such harsh circ.u.mstances, and had no choice but to steal to survive. It was during a mission where he was severely injured and lost his memories. The people who took care of him were actually in league with the attackers.

Rhys pulled out his pipe and started to smoke.

”Honestly, what are you thinking? I told you already that stealing is bad. When I first found out you told me you had your reasons, but now aren't you stealing just for fun?” Lyn nagged.

”Well yeah, I guess your right about that.”

Lyn pinched Kazuya's ear even more.

Is this guy an idiot? Why on earth did he say something like that for? Spotting a group of soldiers nearby, Kazuya suddenly pulled back from Lyn. ”I need to tell them something, I'll come back.”


Rhys took advantage of the moment Kazuya left to kiss her, and well touch her a bit. But, it didn't go the way he wanted.

She raised her hand and slapped him.

Rhys didn't loosen his grip on her other hand.

The look on Lyn's face was something he never saw before. So in a way he succeeded, but Rhys knew she was furious this time. ”Didn't you say you wanted to keep me close?” he stated calmly.

”I did say that,” she muttered. ”But, are you this unreasonable? What were you thinking, Kazuya is right here. Do you not have any shame or remorse?”

Shame or remorse? He had plenty of those things. However, ”I can't stand it when you don't look at me.”

Lyn bite her lip, ”Rhys, don't be like this now. I understand I really do. It's hard loving someone who already has someone else in their heart. But, please try to respect me. I'm younger than you, and while it is against the Empire's law's to get intimate with someone my age. It still feels morally wrong for me, since I'm not an a.d.u.l.t. You keep telling me you'll refrain from such actions, but when you get the chance you'd do it won't you?”

”Of course I would.”

”See?” Lyn mumbled. ”That's the difference with you and Kazuya. With you and Allen too. Those two would respect my decision, and wait.”

”Don't compare me to them,” Rhys snapped. ”Don't you understand how difficult things are for me? You keep telling me confusing things.”

He doesn't know what to think anymore. His thoughts broke off when Lyn leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. The girl's lips lingered there causing him to mumble her name.


”You are truly foolish. Do you not understand the situation? This isn't the time for such conflicts.”

”I know.”