Chapter 413 - You deserve so much more (2/2)
Rhys continued kissing her neckline and Lyn kept panicking. Eventually the girl turned around, with a red stained face. ”Don't make me get my knife out.”
”It's futile to pretend Lyn, be honest.”
Just today, he wants to see her honest feelings.
”Please Rhys, don't keep doing this,” Lyn mumbled quietly. ”You know how dangerous Silver is. If you keep getting involved with me, it will ruin my - no his plans.”
”I refuse to and cannot do so,” he told her, brought her into her arms so that she could not move any further.
Rhys knew how quickly her heart beated so fast that anybody who heard it would understand. Lyn's feelings for him, this girl loves him. ”Those people, know of my status and my interest in you. If they know that you are allied with me, they will have my head. All of this pain and suffering would have been for nothing. I would rather not suffer such a fate. But my social obligations aside, I will not return you to them. You, do not belong to such a restricted place.”
Lyn whimpered, and he felt her tighten her hold on him. ”Why?”
”Because you are mine to protect,” he answered simply. ”You are mine and mine alone to love and protect.”
”Rhys, I really can't return...”
”Ssh my love, the night is young,” he quickly got on top of her. She's so beautiful, but she is only a child. He must wait before he can touch her properly, before he can give her everything she deserves.
”Rhys, what are you doing?”
”I will kiss you until you fall asleep, I will give you the love you deserve. But I can't give it to you fully now,” he gently kisses her neckline and Lyn shuddered. ”You understand don't you my love? You deserve this, to be loved and treasured.”
”Kazuya loves me.”
”He does, and he treasures you. But he can't treat you like a woman, like I do,” Rhys muttered. ”Lyn, you deserve so much more and I shall be the one who gives that to you.”
At that comment Lyn averted her gaze. ”But I don't think we can keep doing this. What will other people say if they see us kissing all the time?”
”It's not like your starting anything my love,” he traced her lips with his fingers. ”Besides, it's only a kiss.”
Lyn looked very uncertain, and he understood full well what she thought. Yes, he is taking advantage of her kindness, naivety and good will. But, so what? It's not like he is a good guy. Besides Lyn is very beautiful today, he wants to see her like this more.
”I don't understand,” Lyn started. ”Why do your actions stir my heart, why do you provide me so much comfort during these times? Why is it even when I long to see Kazuya and be with him, you're face comes to mind. I must be going crazy Rhys, I can no longer make sense of my own feelings.”