Chapter 402 - Fed up (1/2)

Lyn laughed, ”Um, okay, quit with the jokes. Are you hungry? I'll ask them to make something,” she still felt drained from the meeting and didn't want to leave her chair. However, Lyn knew if she stayed sitting down, something would happen. Look how close they are right now, something could really happen.

She quickly tried to stand up, but Kazuya pushed her against the chair again. A somewhat serious look appeared on her face, and Lyn immediately looked away. What is with this situation? She feels so very nervous right now. He, what is this guy thinking right now?

”Do you not want to kiss?”

”Uh, that's not it at all. But you, uh,” Lyn didn't know what to say. She felt so bewildered right now. This is a first for her, seeing Kazuya like this.

Sure enough, he's a guy - and this is normal. Lyn knew that Kazuya wanted to cross certain boundaries before with her. But, considering how young they are. Lyn didn't think much of it.

”Lyn, I…” Kazuya's voice turned weak.

”Well, I already knew you were an idiot. You're the type that's so scared of going astray. You can't even see a pebble in front of you before tripping in it.”

”Oi, that's not how it is…”

Lyn laughed when she hears his tone; that's what bothers him? What a hopeless man.

Her gaze softened. ”However, I understand since I'm the same type as idiot as you,” she pulls away from him and hands him a cigarette.

Kazuya hides it very well, but Lyn knew he smoked.

”So, I'm sorry. I understand how you feel, but I can't save you like before. No back then, that wasn't me saving you. It was only a temporary measure, ” Lyn trailed off, ” It's sad. But it often happens. You think back and forth between the risks and can't go anywhere. At least that's better than someone who has already gone astray. The truth is, there isn't much difference between the two of them. At this rate, you'll be unable to do anything. This sort of idiot hides their shame and looks for someone else to pull them through. Though then they can't complain if they end up in hell. Well, the endless loop of worrying is already hell. Your already tired of it, aren't you?”

Kazuya laughs a little, ”Haha, that's right. I'm really tired.”

She reached over and ran her hands through his hair. ”Then, get some rest when you can, Kazuya. What use is there working yourself sick like this?”

Lyn becomes very concerned whenever she sees him this way. He is pushing himself too much, and for what?

”What use, huh? If I said it's all for your sake, then what would you say, Lyn?”

”I'd call you an idiot, and scold you even if it is for my sake or whatever. You can't do this to yourself, Kazuya. You can't make yourself sick or get yourself hurt because of me. Do you think I'd be happy with that?” Lyn didn't realize when she raised her voice. But she was genuinely fed up with it all.

”Lyn, you know I'm very afraid.”

”In that case, isn't it fine? Even if you end up in hell again, Just a change of feeling wouldn't that be better. Just stretch out your hand to the girl you love and head off to the next hell.”

'Let's go to hell together.' At first, Lyn didn't want to drag Kazuya into her problems. She wanted to do whatever she could to ensure that Kazuya stays far from danger. As long as Kazuya is safe, it didn't matter what happened to her. His safety was the most important to her before, but now things have changed.


”You're pushing it, aren't you Princess Lyn? Was that you trying to give him a warning?”