Chapter 398 - I want you to.. (2/2)

Kazuya frowned and called out, ”Exactly where do you think you're going?” he questioned.

The girl froze on the spot and nervously replied. ”Um, the bathroom.”

”In those clothes?” he said, raising his eyebrows. Lyn wore clothes that look like she was going outside, practical formal clothes that were for fighting.

”There was a job request. It seems like the others are having trouble, so I'll...”

”No,” Kazuya immediately declined. He still couldn't get over what happened the other night. She showed up so badly injured that he didn't think it was possible. The amount of blood he saw that time pained him.

Lyn's sweatdropped, ”Your so blunt, I haven't even finished my sentence yet.”

”Even if you did, I will not listen. Your leg is still injured, or rather because you were reckless yesterday, the injuries have gotten worse.” When Kazuya noticed that the swelling on her leg had gotten worse, he called up Rhys.

Rhys never leaves anything out during examinations. So when Kazuya heard the details, a menacing aura had wrapped around him. Since then, Kazuya watched over the black-haired girl like a hawk. Why does she always get herself injured for? Doesn't she care about herself?

Kazuya understood the current situation when they were in the dungeons the other time. Aside from the problem with the Snow Kingdom Knight. He sensed that there was something different about the cave. If he sensed that, there is no doubt that the same went for Lyn.

”Wah, you're actually acting like a guard now. I'm impressed.”

That's right; he was technically a knight. A knight they approved of to protect her. Kazuya still found it strange that they accepted that.

”Lyn, please take this more seriously.”

Kazuya's words fell short when he felt the warmth of the girl's hand on his face. 'So warm, why are her hands so warm?' His eyes went wide. ”Even if you do this, I will not retreat my previous statement,” Kazuya muttered.

He knew her very well by now.

”Mm. I was just breaking the tension because you looked comically serious.”

She really is foolish.

”You cannot go,” he repeated. ”Please, I don't want to see the sight of you covered in blood ever again. Do you know how much you scared me? I really don't want to lose you.”

Lyn lightly kissed his lips, ”I'm very sorry. I know I worried you,” she trailed off. ”Kazuya, say if you were to choose between doing things for the sake of the world and the one you love, which would you choose?”

She's not answering his question. But it seems like Lyn is at least taking this matter seriously although he doesn't understand what her question has to do with anything. ”Of course it should be the first one. Doing things for the sake of the world leaves you satisfied that you were able to help loads of people.”

”I think the opposite.” Huh? Lyn smiled at him and removed her hand as she turned to pitch-black skies, ”I think that I work harder if it's for the sake of the one I love.”