Chapter 389 - Fleeting Happiness (1/2)

”Sometimes, I feel like I should have entrusted you to young Allen sooner.”

At that comment, her gaze darkened. ”Stop dragging Allen into this. You feigned ignorance when mentioning my fiance before, but you're the one who set me up with him,” Lyn mumbled. When Lyn learned of this, she didn't know how to react.

She felt betrayed. Then again, it's not like she understood her own heart then. Back then, it was so painful for her. Lyn couldn't let anybody see though; she couldn't show her weakness in front of them. The moment she does that is the moment everything changes. Did she dislike change? No, but just like any average person, it scared her. Even though her life was not the best, then what if things changed so drastically?

What if they take her fleeting happiness and joy from her? Those fleeting moments. However, now that Lyn thought about it. Those moments were very shallow. Back then, it made her happy just reading books, and once in awhile going to town.

Right now, the moments she has with Kazuya are her moments of fleeting happiness. If somebody took those moments from her, then she would truly go crazy.

”He came this way!”

”After him.”

Lyn pulled away from Zepher then; she blinks when she saw the light. Somebody switched the hallway lights on. She could see from the direction of the hall, a group of men chasing after someone.

Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. Kazuya?!! There was no mistaken that messy brown hair and foolish smile. T—this idiot! What is he doing now!! Zepher chuckled, ”Your main Prince seems to have quite the reckless behavior.”

She placed her hand on her forehead.

Whenever she looks away from him for a single minute, he ends up doing such careless things. ”Zepher, I'm sorry, but can you..”


Lyn waited until Kazuya turned the corner, and then she pulled him away. During this time, Zepher approached the guards.

Kazuya laughed, ”You saved me.”

”Moron! Do you know how fast my heart is beating right now? This is no time to fool around,” her gaze fell on Zepher, who was busy distracting the officers. ”You do realize what will happen if they catch you, right?”

Already there are rumors in the Kingdom that the Sound Kingdom people are traitors. Kazuya didn't reply and instead bent down to kiss her. He wrapped his arms around her and laughed, ”Lyn, you smell very good, and you're wearing nice clothes.”

Geez, why is he so chirper? He almost got caught. Lyn didn't know what he did again, but since it's him, she can guess. ”What did you steal now? Give it back right away.”

”I didn't steal anything this time.”

”Then, why are they after you?”

Kazuya suddenly went down on his knees and pulled a small box out of his pocket. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was, ”Wait, you got me a ring already.”

”That's different,” he mumbled. Kazuya opened the box and she saw it. It wasn't a ring but a gorgeous golden bracelet, with a strange crest on it. No, Lyn knew the meaning behind this cress.


Kazuya wrapped it around her wrist, ”I know this tradition is peculiar in the Mist Kingdom. But, for us in the Sound Kingdom - this is normal,” he laughed sheepishly. ”I've thought this for a while now. I'm very clumsy with words, and I still don't know if I want to be King or not. However, I do know I want to be with you forever.”

This person must be born a fool. What's the point in proposing to her again? Wait, more importantly. ”This is why they were chasing you?”

”Yeah, you see these things are banned here. It looks like a normal trinket, but I guess waving something with another Kingdom's cress isn't wise. I risked my life.”

”Moron!” Lyn lectured, ”You risked your life for something like this?”

”But this proves I'm serious, so will you marry me?”