Chapter 383 - Make use of me (1/2)

To her surprise, Allen simply increased his speed after one last sigh.

Lyn turned to follow Allen, who stopped at the end where a familiar horse was parked. She spotted it from a distance, Allen's beautiful snowy white horse. Ah, so are they going to ride?

”I see, you can't ride because you hurt your leg. Well then, if that's the case, you can ride along with me.”

Her violet orbs went wide, ”On your horse?”

”Is that a complaint?” For a moment, she thought she offended him until she saw his lips curve to a smile.

She shook her head, ”No, no, not at all. But as expected, I haven't ridden with even Kazuya yet, so...”

Allen merely lifts her up on to the horse and climbs on himself. ”We'll cross and head towards those towers. It's a big distance if we walk. Do you wish to freeze?”

”No. .”

This is strange, though, to be ridding on a horse with Allen. Although she has shown many of her embarrassing sides and weak moments to him already, she has never been in a position where she would be working seriously, and Allen would be around to see.

How odd, the person who told her to merely stay like a caged bird before, is now letting her roam around freely. It does go to show how much time has changed now.

”Prince Allen, thank you. For listening to what I have to say.”

If it were anybody else, they would not have listened to her.

”It is my duty. But even more than that, I have never seen that look on your face before, so I'll admit I was quite intrigued.”

Lyn laughed, ”I see.”

”Are you having fun? These days, you smile a lot more.”

”Yes, yes, I am. It's fun, being with everyone.. Going outside. But,” Lyn trailed off. ”I think I understand why mother and eldest brother did what they did. Why they kept me away for so long.”

While their methods were a bit extreme, Lyn understood now. The outside, the state of the Empire. They didn't want her to see it, they tried to shield her from the ugly side of the world. Since she started to go out anymore, Lyn saw how ugly the world is. But, none of that mattered to her. It's painful, seeing the state of the Empire. But as a Princess, she does not want to turn a blind eye to these things anymore.

”As Lyn, I wanted to change things. However, I realized that a normal civilian couldn't do anything to change the Empire. Even if I move the hearts of the Empire. I need power.”

Allen nodded, ”Is this what made you change your mind?”

Lyn laughed, ”Yes, silly, right?”

”No, I always thought you were the only one who can understand me..”


Allen knew better than to let his guard down around her. How many times has she caused problems, right in front of him? Still, his gaze fell on the girl who was patching up her arm. He didn't think she was injured; no wonder her grip on his waist was strange.