Chapter 363 - Why dont you smile? (1/2)

Brother Zepher's question surprised her. Does it hurt? It was the first time somebody had asked her this question. Since she got this mark, all anybody has said about this is well...that it's cursed. Nobody has asked her whether she feels any physical pain from it. Not even Rhys when he was examining her. Lyn's gaze softened at his concerned words, ”I'm a big girl now brother, so if it's painful I can bear with the pain.”

She was intentionally evading the question. The truth was it did hurt. A lot, at night anyway. Normally she doesn't notice it and would continue her day like normal. But, during night it would act up. However, if brother were to find out about that then -- her thoughts broke of when he lifted her of the ground. ”Brother?”

Zepher said nothing and they made their way down the hall. The servants from earlier were still around, and once they saw them approach. The whispers started again. Her sweat fell, uh... What is this? Didn't brother promise her not to make things too difficult? When Lyn complained to him that his attention towards her was causing problems. He promised that he would tone it down in front of the servants. Is this toning down for him?

After a short while they arrived in front of his room. Does brother want to rest? He has a bad habit of making her accompany him whenever he takes a nap. Zepher gently laid her down on the bed and then climbed on top of her. ”What are you doing?”

”I have to commend you Lyn, you didn't leave me and return with that man.”

Lyn recalled what happened with Kazuya not too long ago and bit her lip. So he's low key sulking about what happened back then? Lyn thought he didn't notice anything, but how can that be? Her brother is not somebody you can deceieve. Did he think she would leave with Kazuya? He knew about Allen's plan, so why did he let her go? As these questions ran through her mind, she felt his hands take a strand of her hair.

He gently kissed it, ”Even if you have someone..”

”I returned to your side, isn't that good enough?”

”It is, I'm happy.”

”You don't look happy,” Lyn mumbled. She noticed this at the start. But, since they met again. Lyn has not seen a sincere smile on his face. Even from the first day, his smile was fake. She spent so long by Allen's side, so Lyn could differentiate between a fake smile and a real smile. According to Himuro though, brother Zepher always acts this way. ”Why don't you smile? My brother...”

Zepher laughs, ”Your still calling me that, your so loyal even though you know were not related.” He slumped on the bed beside her, and Lyn turned to face him.

”I just want to know the truth Zepher.”

”The truth?”

”Are your feelings real?”

”What a selfish woman indeed. But, your right to doubt me. Even then, yes my feelings are real. This was one of the main reasons why Andrew kept me away from you. Because he noticed long before I did.”

”Brother, what do you want me to become?”

”My wife.”

Lyn bit her lip, ”And if I don't?”

”I understand the logic that no matter how hard somebody tries. Failure is inveitable,” he gently caressed her cheeks and Lyn noticed something. She felt her vision turn blury. Huh? How come?

Lyn glanced down and noticed that her mark was glowing brightly. How strange, it was normal just a few moments ago. Normal... ”Brother, what did you do?” A few minutes ago when he touched her neck, she did feel a tingling sensation. But Lyn didn't think much of it.

”The only way to relieve your pain is to activate the mark. You'll be going back and forth from being unconscious and your body will be weak. However, you can rest assured I will take care of you.”

She managed to nod her head and extended her hand out. Zepher smiled and grabbed hold of it, ”Your like a little child at times.”

”I'm a grown up.”

”Indeed, you are physically. But you really do have your childish moments. Lyn, I want you to understand something. I'm not your brother, and if destiny played out correctly. I would have been your fiance instead of young Allen.”

Huh? ”Because your a Prince from the Sun Kingdom?”

Lyn heard about how their family had been desperately trying to establish a connection with them. So, it may have ended up like her brother said...

”But that didn't happen.”

”Such a cruel fate, it certainly loves playing games on me.”