Chapter 340 - Pay the Price (1/2)

Is she that heartless of a person? It's all so confusing. But, these two will believe in her no matter what happens. Lyn extended her hand out, and Kazuya grabbed hold of it. He smiled softly, ”What's wrong, Lyn?”

”Nothing,” she glanced down. He reacted so fast, how come? Did he notice that she was distracted?

Lyn shook her head; right now, she ought to focus on recovering.


A few hours later

Kazuya glanced over and spotted that Lyn was panting heavily. They shouldn't stay here for too long; it'll be just a matter of time before he destroys all those traps. The fact that he had been able to hijack the security here was already a miracle enough. Despite it being a run-down area, the buildings quite high class, and Kazuya figured that the second they arrived in the area, the enemy already detected them. It would certainly be good having the other two in times like this. Even if it's them two, doing a rescue job of this scale is impossible.

The reason why they are in this situation now is because of what they overheard a few minutes back.



Kazuya nodded.

”Actually just a few minutes ago there was report signaling that a certain building was put on automatic lockdown. It's an area where people don't go to, so we weren't sure if anyone was there. But eye witness reports stated that there are indeed workers in that building and that they saw magic.”

”In other words, the workers are being held, hostage?”

”That's right. I said a few minutes ago because that's when we received the report. But...” he averted his gaze hesitantly, ”HK received the report first so...”



So, that's what lead to this situation. But even then, Kazuya was baffled at how quickly Lyn reacted to this.

”If you are not feeling well, you can rest your head on my shoulder for a while.”

Lyn laughed softly, ”Aah, that's kind of you... Then I suppose I'll take that offer.”

Feeling Lyn's head on his shoulder, he relaxed his position. Light, even now, after so many years, she is still filled with light.

Lyn gave off the impression of a feather. A feather swaying in the wind. The wind, huh...? Perhaps back then, it had already been decided without anybody realizing it.

”Say, can I ask you something?”

”What is it?”

”This might be rather presumptuous of me to say at this stage. But why me?” Kazuya mumbled. Why him of all people>

Aside from Rhys, it seems like she's always had plenty of other suitors. It felt like that to him.

”Honestly, when I first met you, I was afraid. I mean, our first meeting was a bit strange. Why did this random guy kiss me?

It was because I didn't know his nature that I was slightly afraid. And as a bonus he had a bad attitude, was a flirt and had a bad mouth. But, it didn't take me much time before I fell in love with him.”

”Is that so?”

Lyn nodded and laughed lightly, ”Truly, it was something I noticed a long time ago and yet when Pupillam told me he found clues to that person's whereabouts. I knew that I had to push those thoughts to the back of my mind. For me to truly be able to love someone, I wanted to sort everything out with those who came before first. And when I did, my thoughts did trace back to you, Kazuya. When I thought about it again after spending time apart from you, I ended up with all sorts of thoughts. But in the end, I got this sort of feeling.

'I don't know why he is so familiar to me, or why it feels like I am getting to know him more as though I remember who he is. How every smile, every whisper, brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that even before we met, I have known him before. That I loved him before, a long time ago, in a different time and place.'” Lyn's gaze softens, ”Even now I still think that way, that I met him you a long time ago and that these feelings don't just appear out of the blue.”

Kazuya felt very embarrassed to hear about the girl's feelings for him. He thought if it was during this situation, then he wouldn't get embarrassed. But it seems like Lyn has a way with words.

Lyn laughed, ”Um, did that make you nervous?”

”You're messing with me. I give up.”