Chapter 316 - Passage of time (2/2)
”Ah? It was a accident you know.”
”No, you've been watching me this entire time. Quit it, I get embarrassed.”
”I don't mind. You become more defenseless that way,” with a huge grin, Kazuya walked back to the construction. Even though he hired workers to fix the broken roof, for some odd reason, Kazuya offered to help.
Well, it does seem like they are getting along better now. For a while, he too was worried about what would become of their relationship. The first Princess aside, when Rhys started to become serious. It looked as though the relationship between the two was on the verge of falling apart. Allen watched the two for a few minutes in amus.e.m.e.nt. He's already longed passed the point of feeling jealous after all.
Although such feelings still exist inside him now. He's capable of controlling his emotions regarding the matter. Since he already long accepted it, between the two of them. Between the man named Kazuya and Lyn, he could see something existed. Something that he could not come in between. It may be because he saw it a long time ago, he long accepted the fate that would befall him. To have the woman he loves taken away from him; to not even have her ever sincerely be told 'I love you.'
”Say, Allen?”
”What is it?”
”I heard that Kazuya asked some sort of advice from you recently, regarding me. Can you tell me about it?”
So the two of them have spoken about that already haven't they? ”I'm assuming from that tone; he was too embarrassed to talk to you about it properly.”
”Aha, something of the sort. I realized that there was no need for me to really hear the details since I understand Kazuya's feelings for me. However, I want to know what your input is....” she trails off, ”That is, it's sort of awkward to ask anyone else. Ah, but it's awkward with you also if you feel uncomfortable then. .'
Allen likes how, even now, she is trying to be considerate of him. ”Your face is already flushed red, and you're stammering uncontrollably. If you're that interested, I am more than happy to oblige and talk about the details.”
”Eh, really?” she exclaims; excitement filled her tone.
”Yes. It was as you can imagine unbelievably awkward between two men like us, to discuss affairs regarding love. Even more because of the situation with you as my fiance. But it was not completely unpleasant.” he trails off, ”After all, it was the first time I heard it in person. His feelings for you.” The first time he ever heard from Kazuya in person; the extent of his feelings. But even during that conversation, Allen could tell from his unusually not calm demeanor, as well as his words that there was more he wanted to say.
”It took me by surprise. Although I suspected as much before. I didn't realize until after we had that talk. That man is more into you than I originally thought,” Allen sighed. If Kazuya weren't serious about Lyn, then he would have sent the man packing already. But Kazuya is serious, and that's why, for the first time, he feels uneasy.
”Eh summary. Kazuya said something... that exposed his feelings.”
”If your face continues to go that red, you'll collapse.”
”B—but it really is embarrassing for me. Kazuya's feelings. Rhys always told me never to doubt them. Even during the time when he was evading me. I've always wondered why she was so sure of it. However, after listening to what you told me briefly. Kazuya told you how much he loved me. .”
It is painful for him, seeing his fiance act in this manner towards another man. But since Kazuya came, he's slowly hardened his feelings. 'Lyn doesn't make that kind of face for me,' for a long time, he felt such bitter feelings. However, now, things are different. Now he understands how much that man cares for Lyn.