Chapter 289 - Live as you must and die as fate decrees (1/2)
Then again, can anybody truly determine what is right from wrong? What people see as wrong, what they see as right will undoubtedly differ. What Mother's first husband did, was it so wrong? Lyn remembered him as a man of virtue. Would he deliberately initiate a plan that would harm the lives of innocent people? If he did something wrong, would Mother defend him? Lyn knew that Mother liked her first husband, but would she sacrifice everything for the sake of love?
Her thoughts broke off when Rhys lifted her off the ground. ”Lyn has to go back to resting. Sir Abeno, let's save this chat for another time.”
”I agree, take care of your health.”
With those words said, Abeno quickly hurried away. Rhys took her away, but Lyn immediately noted something was wrong.
”Rhys, this isn't the right way to your…”
”I'll bring you somewhere else.”
”B—but, I can't leave the castle,” Lyn said.
Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Outskirts of town - Amethyst Palace-
Lyn looked over at Rhys, 'He actually persuaded brother to bring her here.' During these circ.u.mstances, Lyn knew that brother was acting more cautious about letting her out. Yet Rhys managed to persuade him, how did he do it?
”Kazuya should be arriving soon, stay put until then.”
”Kazuya is coming here too?”
”Did you want to be taken by me?”
Lyn frantically shook her head, and Rhys sighed. ”Reiji is coming by, too; he has something he wants to discuss. I told him that he should keep it short since you should be resting,” Rhys reached over and brushed his hand against her forehead. His hands felt cold against her warm skin.
”Your fever has returned. Wait, I'll make some medicine.”
”Thank you.”
Rhys smiled and gently kissed her forehead. ”Just stay here, close your eyes if you want to sleep.”
Year 4010 Junlan Church
”Abeno! Abeno, outside the window, look out there.” A young girl around age 10 with long brunette colored hair rushes over to a guy age 11. He turned to face her, and she pointed outside, in the pitch whiteness there was a small animal. ”Look over there.”
It was clearly injured.
When Abeno suggested that they headed back down, they ran into the bishop along the way. Once they got outside, she and Abeno bent down to find that the small animal was a fox cub, it had several wounds and injuries on it. It pained Lyn when she saw the blood. She wanted to touch it, but Abeno told her not too.
”Princess, you can't touch animal blood now. It will affect the ritual.”
Lyn paused, is that important right now? But she knew better than to argue, the reason she was sent here was to learn magic. She would be a fool to risk it. If she does anything to disturb the ritual, then she may lose the chance to learn magic forever. Still, she was concerned.
”Say, Abeno… We should..”
”He needs to be treated. Let's give him some food,” Abeno agreed.
”Do not touch it,” a sharp voice interjected. They turned to the bishop who had been silent this entire time. Lyn's eyes widened, she looked over at him and saw a cold and distant expression on
Abeno frowned, he wasn't happy about this either.
”This is for its own good. Have you ever heard of the phrase, survival of the fittest?”
Lyn and Abeno nodded.
”It's the same this time too. If we help this fox cub, it won't be able to live alone. We can't keep it here forever, and when it's gets rereleased, it would have forgotten it's survival instincts. All the care and preparation we made for it to recover would go to waste.”
Lyn understood right away what he meant by those words. It would die right away.
….that's true. But, she turned to the bishop with panicked looking eyes, ” But won't it die this rate?”
”Then, that is also fate. Live where you must live, then die when fate decrees it. That is how life should be. ”
So that's it and yet, ” Even— ”Lyn raised her voice, ”But if we help him, he will have a chance to live longer?”
Bishop shook his head, ”But this is the way of the world. Everybody dies sooner or later. There is nobody who lives forever. If we help, we are only wasting resources when he will die again.”
Nobody lives forever, but isn't that… Her thoughts broke off when she spotted some footprints in the snow. Could it be that the fox cub came here with someone?