Chapter 284 - Arising Trouble (1/2)

On the way here Lyn noticed how odd the atmosphere in the streets were. Maybe it's because it was night, but everybody seemed strangely more vigilant and alert than usual. Then again, with talk of an impending war, and attack towards the Mist Kingdom, she supposes it made sense. When she saw Allen earlier, he looked very worn out.


When the others head out, she remained - but in a discreet manner as possible. She doesn't want Pupillam to freak out or anything.

Lyn made her way over to the balcony where Amakaze was. She carefully approached him and he did not seem surprised to see her. Lyn did not speak right away and waited for a few minutes, before she asked him. ”Amakaze, the one who attacked you. ..”

”Nakahara Korin. Although there were a group of men with her, she was in the center,” Amakaze sighed. ”I did hear that she was in the Mist Kingdom already, but I didn't think I'd be the unlucky guy that ran into her.”

. . Korin.

'Lady Lyn look, the clouds are making shapes.'


A light smile appeared on her face, ”If only. ” she trails off and her gaze landed on the sky, ”There are seven stars in the sky today, huh?”

”A celebration to our reunion, huh? 7 stars, the death of 7 10 fallen comrades. The two that were killed during the first incidence. One who disappeared without a trace after running an errand. Three who were killed during the fire incidence. One who went down with the Queen, the former first Knight.”

The black-haired girl briefly closed her eyes before opening them again. All members of the royal family get assigned a group of Knights, even an outcast like her. Yet, how is it possible that all her knights met with such misfortunate?

”Truly, it's been a long time.”

”I heard that you found Takao, and he is on his way here.”

Lyn glanced over at him, ”You keep up with the news after all former knight?”

”Perhaps. But this time around, I found the news directly from him. He visited here before he departed. ”So that's it. Amakaze, continues, ”7 out of ten is supposed to be dead. But how come there are four now? Me, Kiara, Takao, and Pupillam. Heh, the remaining originals are quite the mismatch.”

Lyn chuckles, ”Who knows? It may end up exceptionally well.” She didn't comment on the seven out of ten-part. Everybody died -- at least that's what she was told. However, people like Takao and Kiara are alive. People who she thought were dead, then is there a chance for the others too? Lyn knew she shouldn't get her hopes up too much. But she couldn't help it.

”Do you wish for me to return Lady Lyn?”

Her gaze was unreadable despite the moonlight reflection, and so was his. ” It is your decision, even now I believe that to be the case. I will force no one to return if they don't wish. Kiara the same. I had heard she was in this area and wished to check on her is all. If the topic of the knights do come up - then I'd ask.”

” . . As humble as ever I see. That part of you, .. ” Amakaze makes his way over and trails his fingers on the nape of her neck.” .has not changed at all. My lady.”

Lyn sighed, ”Don't joke around,” she drew back from him. ”Otherwise….” her sentence fell short when she saw somebody approaching from behind Amakaze, ”Somebody scary will chase after you.”

Amakaze turned around, with his trademark sly smile. ”I did not know you two were in that kind of relationship.”

”Were--were,” Lyn bit her lip. What were they? She really didn't know. Rhys didn't say a word and walked over to her; he grabbed hold of her arm.

”Tell him to leave.”

Lyn nodded and turned to Amakaze, ”Could you leave us?”

”Most certainly.”

No sooner had Amakaze left, did Rhys pin her against the wall. An angry look flashed on his face, ”You didn't tell me there was something between you two.”

”What are you talking about? It's not like that.”

Rhys clicked his tongue in annoyance, ”Are you sure?”

”Of course!”

He reluctantly pulled back from her, ”Don't go sneaking off. Don't you realize that it is even more dangerous at night?”