Chapter 276 - Ive had enough (2/2)

”Relax Prince, I came here to check something out,” his gaze fell on her and then back at Kazuya. ”But your right, my services are needed at my post.”

Lyn immediately felt the tension between them. So she let go of Kazuya's arm and walked over to Allen, ”Allen,” she called out softly breaking the tense atmosphere. ”Can you come with me for a bit?”

He looked over at her and nodded. ”Very well.”

She looked over at Kazuya who had already picked up a wooden sword again. Lyn could tell from the way he wasn't facing her that he was upset. But, if she didn't talk to Allen now, she wouldn't get another chance. Kazuya is always rushing off like the wind. However, Allen is different.

Allen silently followed her out of the room. Lyn realized that they generated more stares than when she was with Kazuya. She shook her head and increased her footsteps. They look at her strangely no matter who she is with; it seems like.

”What did you wish to speak to me about?” Allen is the first to break the silence when they are further away.

Lyn bit her lip and deeply sighed, ”Are you sure about keeping them here?” she was referring to his so-called knights.

Allen rubbed the temple of his forehead with his hands, ”Do you also doubt them?”

”Not completely, but compared to the atmosphere from the Knights brother got me. It's suffocating around them,” Lyn trailed off. ”Are they people from your Kingdom?”

”You'll be surprised, dear. There are many people like this in the Empire.”

”I know that but…”

Allen sighed, ”You don't have to worry…”

She gave him an odd look, ”Don't act like Kazuya, please. I've had enough of you people thinking I don't have to worry. I can see something is wrong. The more you don't want me involved, the more involved I'll get.”

”Why are you so troublesome?”

”Are you talking about yourself or me?”

”Lyn--” he raised his voice.

”Allen,” Lyn interjected. ”I thought we already spoke about this when we were first engaged. You don't treat me like a flower in a vase.”

Allen wore a complicated look on his face, ”I told you back then it would be nicer if you were a mere simpleton. If you were just a normal lady. But your not like those people, and I suppose I wouldn't have accepted you if you were normal..” Allen trailed off, ”Are you still free for the rest of the day?”



Secret Passageway - Servants Lounge -

”I didn't think you'd bring me here.”

”You're a member of royalty, and your existence is being revealed soon. I see no reason to hide this place from you anymore.”

Lyn nodded. It felt like Allen was going to show her some huge secret. So, she figured she would just stay put. She usually would inquire for more details. ”This hidden passageway, there's an exit for the outside right?”

”Yes, it's a bit further down.”

”Allen, how come you know about this place?”

”Your father, the King, showed me a long time ago. He told me to bring you here just in case anything happened.”

”I see, that makes sense.” Only father would make any preparations for her safety. No, no... Lyn shook her head, don't think so negatively anymore. ”My Mother?”

”Of course, he asked her for confirmation.”

'So mother approved of it too..'

”Do you still feel like your family has neglected you?”

Lyn blinked, surprised at his sudden question. ”You'd normally evade asking me things like that before you'd always look uncomfortable whenever I brought it up. That's why I always held back my tears in front of you.”

”I apologize.”

Her gaze softened, and she shook her head. ”No, I understand. It was insensitive of me to bring it up now,” Allen trailed off. ”You do not have to answer.”

”Could I postpone my reply?”

”It feels like I am pressuring you.”

Lyn chuckled, ”Fret, not Allen. If you were pressuring me, then I'd have complained to father or eldest brother.”