Chapter 177 - Questions (2/2)

That's right; all she has to do is survive long enough until she achieves her goals. Even if she died afterward, it wouldn't matter. At least for the last few years, she had that mindset. However, something's changed now. Kazuya's face comes to mind, and Lyn flinched. A future with Kazuya, huh? What a stupid thought. Their relationship has no future at all, and yet...

”Noah,” Lyn murmured, it still felt foreign saying his name.

”What is it?”

”Do you think a cure is possible?”

Noah smiled, ”So, you're changing your mind now?”

”No, I'm just…”

”Feeling conflicted?”

Lyn sighed, ”Why do you look so happy about that?”

”Pardon me, but I'm just amused. For the longest time, you acted stubborn about it. Even while I told you there were other options.”

That's true. Ever since she met this man and told him her intentions, Lyn has not faltered once. She walked over to the window, even if she looked out Lyn knew she wouldn't be able to see anything. Sure enough, when she opened it, all she saw was fog. 'What an unusual place,' Lyn thought. No matter how many times she saw it. This world, this space completely differs from the world she knows.

”A cure, you really want one?”

”Is there..”

Noah nodded, ”Quite some time had passed since I heard it. But I do recall some people talking about it, you see ---”


Lyn opened her eyes and found herself in her bedroom; a scowling fiance was lecturing mentor by the door. A deep sigh escaped her lips, what was with that bad timing? It's unfair to her. But Noah knows, huh? He said he hasn't heard about it in a long time. She wonders how old Noah actually is. He's clearly older than her, but how much older? He looks to be brother's age, but maybe he's older. At times he acts older, and yet his face. He looks like a young man.

She looked over at the doorway and sighed, ”Allen, I need help,” she called out. Even though Lyn didn't try, she knew her body condition well. Whenever she leaves that dream-like space, she always ends up with a severe headache or restricted movements.

Allen must have heard her since he quickly made his way over, ”What's the matter? You don't have to move; it's not time for the party yet.”

”I wanted to get some water,” and to stop the two from arguing.

”I'll fetch you some, sit back down.”

”And I want to take a walk in the garden. Can you come with me?”

”A walk?”

”Yes, the breeze seems pleasant,” Lyn smiled, ”You don't want to? Maybe you're too busy?”

”Not at all, let us get going.”

Lyn nodded, and Allen leads her to the door. She stole a glance at mentor and murmured, ”Leave.” Lyn said quietly.

Whenever Allen got angry, Lyn understood it was better not to provoke him further. Did Allen get mad that she fainted? No, he wouldn't raise his voice over something like that. As Allen guided her outside, Lyn noticed that the servants were looking over and whispering. Her sweat fell when Lyn hears the word two-faced. Well, she supposes it can't be helped that they think this way. Not too long ago, they saw her with Kazuya.

Relationsh.i.p.s in the Empire are very simple. If a person is engaged with another person, it's okay for them to have a side partner while they are engaged. While people look down on it, most people don't mind it, since it is common. However, it differs for long-term engagements like hers and Allen. Commitment from both sides are needed. So far Allens family has not commented about Kazuy and her, but won't it be a matter of time?