Chapter 155 - I dont deserve her (1/2)

Kazuya is speechless at the girl's words. It was a simple line; anybody could say those words and not mean it. But when Lyn says them, Kazuya felt like it actually meant something. So when she abruptly pulled away and started to walk off right after she said those words. Kazuya didn't know what to say.

Still, he chased after her regardless, and the two of them left the rooftop of the building. No sooner had they exited and walked a few steps out. They both hear a large rumbling sound; the building behind them had completely collapsed. Kazuya's eyes go wide, that timing is it just a mere coincidence? Either way, they just got lucky there. Even if it is him, Kazuya had little confidence that he could save them from that situation.

Lyn looked back, ”Kazuya...”



Why isn't she shocked that the building just fell apart the moment?

”Lyn,” a voice called out.

Kazuya turned and found a man with white hair and a red streak. He frowned at the 'intimate' way the man called Lyn.

”Shioka,” Lyn addressed, ”Did you finish?”

”Perfect plan. See? The building just fell apart.”

”Good work.”

So, it was this guy who exploded the building. Who is he though? While Kazuya knew that Lyn had made contact with people during her training with her eldest brother. Kazuya thought he didn't have to worry about any strange men. There is no way that Prince Andrew would let his sister associate with any weirdos. At least that's what he thought so initially. It seemed like, however, that he was wrong. Or maybe..

”Kazuya? What's wrong?” Lyn asked, a hint of concern in her voice. ”Are you unwell?”

”No,” Kazuya wrapped his arms around her, protectively, ”Who is this?”


”So your Kazuya? Hmm,” Shioka looked him up and down, causing him to frown more, ”You like this type? I wouldn't have expected it from you.”

Lyn sighed, ”Enough insulting him. Let's get going already.”

”Sure, sure. But really what are you thinking? Prince Allen I understand, but this guy? He's dangerous.”

”I chose Kazuya,” Lyn said. Kazuya liked how she said chose, it made him feel like he was more important than he ought to be, ”You or anybody else has no right to judge or criticize.”

Shioka whistled, ”Right, but even if I don't judge. I'm sure your brother is already. It's just a pipe dream for you to be together. Better run back along to your fiance, who is being very patient with you.”

Kazuya's gaze turned cold. He already knew all this. Prince Andrew has only temporarily accepted them being together. There is no way that man would allow him and Lyn to be together for real. Kazuya understands that better than anybody. But even so, even so -- he wanted to continue dreaming that things were still okay. How naive of him.

More and more people will continue appearing, saying that he doesn't deserve to be with Lyn. More people will appear and point out the differences between him and Prince Allen. The royal family, the elites. All those people will point out that he is a mere commoner. Lyn is still a Princess despite her circ.u.mstances. Kazuya didn't know what excuse they will give the public when revealing Lyn's identity. But they most likely have it planned already.

Where does that leave him? Lyn already has a fiance. They may be dating now, but their relationship will have to end when she gets married. He doesn't want her to engage in anything immoral. Heck, even them being together now is wrong. Most people would point out that it's okay. Many elites fool around before their engagement and even after. But Kazuya didn't want Lyn to become one of those people.