Chapter 143 - I honestly dont know (2/2)
Rei laughed, and Allen blinked. This must be the first time he heard the woman laugh; it was oddly refreshing. Rei agreed to come with him and
When they reached the tent, Allen noticed how unusually quiet it was. Is that man really not doing anything to her? Allen found it hard to believe. He hurriedly opened the curtain to the tent, to his surprise, it was not the scene he expected. Allen expected to see flushed limbs and bare bodies, but instead, he saw that the two were fully clothed and fast asleep.
Allen frowned when he saw the sight of Rhys holding Lyn so closely in his arms. Rei, however, sighed, ”You see? If he likes her he will not do anything intolerable, come let us retire. We must be awake in two hours.”
Is it just his imagination?
”Did you hear that? I won't do anything bad supposedly. Noblewomen are very naive,” Rhys licked his lips as he looked down at the girl he pinned down on the mattress. Her beautiful hair flowed across her shoulders, her disheveled appearance made it seem like they did something.
”R--Rhy, stop.”
”Relax, I'm not that unreasonable. I'll wait until you accept me.”
”Normal people would say they would wait until I'm eighteen!”
Rhys sighed, ”Such traditional values. If you're going to become my woman, you better drop that.”
”Who is going to become yours? Certainly not me.”
Why is she acting so stubborn for? But he supposes this is also a side of her that he liked.
”Why struggle when we're already like this? Don't you have any desires as a young woman?”
Lyn looked down, ”I do,” she trailed off,” But only with the person I love.”
So she will be doing it with Kazuya first? Rhys didn't like the mere thought of that, ”What if I take you before him?”
”Do you really think I'd allow you? I'm not as defenseless as you think I am.”
Yeah, he knows. How many times has she stabbed him with that knife? Still, his lips curve to a smile when he felt her trembling. She most likely didn't think he would do this the moment she got dressed. He looked towards the small screen that he knocked over. She came way too prepared, despite deciding abruptly that she would stay with him in the same tent.
It irritated him how she switched horses halfway. But when Rhys recalled the plan, he knew this would happen. Lyn seemed to be quite fond of her fiance, and while bit bugged him that she got jealous. At least he could take advantage of this opportunity.
Rhys had torn the girls robe slightly revealing her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.ts, ”You look so breathtakingly beautiful.”
”Rhys, please let me sleep.”
”I will soon,” Rhys muttered. Even though he wasn't that cruel, Rhys still wasn't done with her. ”But, I need to mark what's mine.”
He already left marks on her neck earlier, and now. Rhys bent down and lifted the robes slightly, so he could see her legs. He brought his lips there and started to place kisses along her leg.
”Stop, it feels weird.”
”It does?”
”You know it does, jerk!”
She's so fun to tease. But, Rhys frowned when he recalled the fiance's reaction earlier. That man genuinely loves her, won't it just be a matter of time before he makes an effort? Rhys thought that Prince Allen had lost all hope, but if he had, he wouldn't have checked up on her. He has to deal with that man somehow. He and Kazuya can fight fair and square for Lyn. Rhys didn't need another person interrupting.
”Rhys quit it! I'll stab you.”
”You left your knife in your bag, which is all the way over there.”
”Your way too cruel,” Lyn murmured, ”So cruel, I'll never fall in love with you jerk.”
Hmmm, she says this now. But he has his ways. It's easy to make a girl like Lyn bend to his will. However, does he want that? Doesn't he want her to fall in love with him seriously?