Chapter 140 - Something in this world that cant be seen by others (2/2)
Allen said nothing, but indeed, he was listening to the girl's words carefully. It's different depending on the person, huh?
Lyn continued, ”But let's see how to put it? It can be the same depending on what that something is.” Allen looked at her with wide eyes. Did she read his thoughts just now? ”You know that letter I wrote to you apologizing. To be honest, I was reluctant to write it. Because I always just used to disappear before saying anything to you, right?”
”I found that trait of yours to be quite annoying,” Allen admitted. He hated how she would always disappear without saying anything to him, how she would take action without consulting him about it.
Lyn smiled at him, ”I couldn't say anything. Or rather there were so many things I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to put it in words. I didn't know how to tell you. It's strange, up till now I've always been able to read people. 'After a certain amount of time, eventually people start to manifest all sorts of signs - and when that happens, I can completely read the person.' It can be a handy skill, but at the same time its backfired so many times, it really is a double-edged sword.”
”During the occasions, you came crying correct?”
The girl with him merely nodded at this.
Because she had, she was a huge crybaby. Even though Lyn gave off such a strong appearance, even though she was always so strong. Allen knew that inside, she was breaking apart. Even when people slowly started to acknowledge her, Allen knew that Lyn was falling apart. He knew it so well because, in the past, she had always gone to him crying countless times. Whenever they are alone, it would not take her long before she fell apart.
But these last two months, and a bit there is no need for that at all. Not once since he came back has Lyn come to him crying. Not once has she confined in him. Things are genuinely different in contrast to how they were before.
”Yeah, I'm a coward. Its something I've always known and understood. But even with that fact in mind so so many people have stayed beside me, and so so many have supported me. I am blessed to have met so many nice people,” Lyn laughed softly, ”I don't understand why they all stay with me, though.”
She doesn't understand? Does he have to spell it out to her?
”Just now I said I could read people very well, right? That's how its always been, especially with people I have known for a very long time. That's how it always is. But with you, there's always been an exception.”
Allen struggled to remain calm when she said these words. Does Lyn not understand how misleading that sounds? No, calm down. He knew full well who the girl was in love with, and that person isn't him.
”I do wonder whether or not I should feel flattered.”
Lyn laughed, ”It is a compliment,” her gaze softened, ”Don't you think so?”
Allen only nodded.
”Yeah,” Lyn paused, ”Somehow it's strange. No matter what happens - no matter what happens in each lifetime. The two of us always seem to meet each other.”
That's true, no matter what he always ends up meeting her no matter what happens. No matter what in his memories of his previous lifetime, he could see it clearly, the two of them were always together.