Chapter 139 - A single beautiful truth (1/2)

”Let's make the best of the situation

Before I finally go insane.

Please don't say, we'll never find a way

And tell me all my love's in vain.


You've got me on my knees, Layla.

I'm begging, darling please, Layla.

Darling won't you ease my worried mind.”

Allen isn't the best singer in the world. Men stayed away from musical arts for a reason and focused on political matters and military. However, Lyn had to admit that he had a pleasant voice.


After the singing, the two remained quiet for a while, and Lyn looked ahead. The distance between their horse and Rhys was a lot. Her sweat fell, 'He's mad, isn't he?' Lyn could recognize by now when Rhys is angry. But it's not like she had much to say on the matter. Or rather, whenever Allen asks her of anything, she just naturally agrees.

”I'm slightly surprised,” Allen suddenly said.

Lyn blinked, ”Surprised?”

Allen nodded, ”You told me just now that you've never ridden with Kazuya before,” he trailed off, ”Considering how you two are always going off somewhere, I thought..”

Her sweat fell at those words. Don't tell her that Allen knows all about her adventures with Kazuya? Then again, it's not like she bothers hiding herself when she leaves the grounds anymore. For those people who don't know her. They see her as a palace servant or guest who the Sound Kingdom ambassador is fooling around with. It feels awkward that people have been reporting it back to Allen.

”I thought I didn't deserve freedom before,” Lyn murmured, ”While I wanted to see what was beyond the castle walls. I didn't think I deserve freedom.”

She wants to change the Empire as Lyn and not Princess Lyn. For the longest time and even now that's the thing she wants the most. However, unlike before, something has certainly changed now.

”Even now, I've only seen a small portion of the Empire. I still don't know everything. There is more to see, more to learn, however, from what I have seen. There is one thing that stands out to me,” Lyn closed her eyes, ”This Empire needs an empress or an emperor. It needs somebody to unite it. A powerful and charismatic leader. No,” she shook her head as Mother's image came to mind, ”Somebody with kindness, and compassion for the people.”

Brunette hair appears in her head, and Lyn's eyes widened. Ah, isn't there -- isn't there already a candidate for that? Kazuya. Kazuya isn't interested in power, Lyn knew that better than anybody. However, if need be, would Kazuya protect everybody? It was a far-fetched idea, but Lyn wanted to bet on it. For the longest time, whenever she looked at Kazuya, she had this thought. But it was only now where she was saying it.

”Whatever you decide, I shall stay by your side.”


”I am not good with words, I'm sure you of all people understand that better than anybody. Even then I select those who I talk too, I categorize them. There is no need to spend any extra effort on an unworthy person.”

”I remember,” Lyn nodded, ”You told me on the first day we met. You also said that us royals are the very opposite of free, that we shouldn't wish for more than what we have.”

What Allen told her that day was cruel, but they were the words she had to hear. Back then, nobody told her anything about the world. She had to find out things for herself. Lyn didn't know life beyond that small garden, and even then certain information is concealed from her. General Adrien and even Pupillam wouldn't tell her anything. They'd continue teaching her, but other than that they evaded most topics. Back then, Lyn thought it was stifling to talk to the two. It was clear that while they cared for her, they would abide by my Mother's instructions.