Chapter 98 - You give me strength (1/2)

Initially, he had nothing against Princess Lethia. Why would he hold a grudge against somebody he didn't care about? Who meant nothing at all to him? Her visit to the Sound Kingdom before to meet with him actually surprised him. Kazuya didn't think that him saving the girl would lead to such a peculiar sense of attachment. No, he didn't think it would lead to the woman having feelings for him. 'Don't underestimate women,' Kazuya thought to himself. Who knew that he would one day be the reason for an older sister trying to kill her younger one.

Lethia explained to him though, 'If my sister lets you go, I shall return to how things were before.' Return to how things were before, mocking her in secret, no mocking Lyn to the servants. It's no wonder the servants look down on Lyn. If her very own sister is saying such things, it confirms the rumors that Lyn is abandoned. While the girl was made an exception to the death penalty for having that curse mark, it's not like people consider her as a special person.

Still, Kazuya doesn't like the idea of people having such ill opinion on Lyn. Even if they don't hate her, they won't look favorably on her if they find out they hid her existence this whole time. The stuff about the curse mark will not be revealed to the general public. They'll most likely use the girl's frail health as an excuse. People would pity her, but they wouldn't respect her like they should. If those people knew how much Lyn thought about the Kingdom, then they wouldn't pity her. However, the royal family will need a perfect excuse hiding away a potential candidate for the throne. They'll most likely exaggerate her being sick, to save face.

Considering Lyn's visits to the Town once in a while, that story would fit since she would only appear occasionally. Kazuya recalled a conversation he had with Lyn's brother, right before they left. Prince Andrew asked him if he wanted to help with Lyn's reputation.

He buried his face in Lyn's neck, and soft laughter passed the girl's lips, ”What's the matter, Kazuya?”

”I was thinking; I'd accept your eldest Brother's offer, about going into battle,” yes, what Prince Andrew suggested was for him to participate in a large scale battle. If he proved himself on the field, then when Lyn's existence is revealed, people will know she is connected to him. His 'brilliant and valiant' deeds will make things better for her.

”My brothers offer,” Lyn repeated, ”But, didn't you say before that you wanted to avoid using your skills in front of so many people?”

”Yeah, I said that. But there's no doubt that war will start sooner or later. Whether it's between our Kingdoms or the Kingdoms who hold a grudge against Queen Orthez,” Kazuya trailed off, ”And well, unlike before I no longer hold a grudge of any kind against the Mist Kingdom.”

It's not like the grudge he had for the place ran particularly deep. He was obeying orders, but the more time he spent in the Mist Kingdom, the more Kazuya realized, 'The real monsters are the Sound Kingdom Elders,' he thought. The Mist Kingdom royal family are not filled with cold-blooded people. Aside from Princess Lethia, the other four do not use unjust means to get what they want. Let their hidden Princess; Lyn was the one who surprised him the most out of the bunch. Such fire and passion whenever she spoke about the people. Such determination and courage. Such kindness.

”Because of me?”

Kazuya smiled, ”Yeah, you're the main reason,” but he supposes his opinion wouldn't have changed regarding the royal family if he didn't get personally acquainted with the Princess. Now that he thought about it, perhaps even now he was falling for the Elders trap. After all, surely they must have realized that if he were to take part in such a mission, he would get attached? Or did they really think he was emotionless?

”I don't want to be the main reason you get hurt,” Lyn said with a frown on her face.

Gee, Kazuya drew her closer and gently kissed her lips, ”I won't get hurt. If I come back with an injury, you'll certainly scold me won't you?” he trailed off, ”Well, this is also a good thing for us. For my side anyway. If we truly contribute to the war effort, then those who are against us can't lay their hands on us easily.”

The Mist Kingdom is still a place where honor is valued. They would not allow anything bad to happen to guests who help resolve the conflict.