Chapter 92 - Invitation (1/2)

Lyn observed Kazuya carefully; he keeps making those expressions for a while now. How much time has passed? Since Kazuya's smile became so rare? Why does she see such a clouded expression on his face these days? But even the rare times he smiles these days, it's only his fake smile. Unconsciously Lyn leaned closer and closer to Lyn, which did not go unnoticed by him.

”Hmm? What is it, Lyn?”

”Nothing,” it's nothing, at least nothing she can talk to him about. If Lyn brought up her concerns regarding him wearing a fake smile these days, then he would simply do a better job at hiding it, and that is something she does not want him to do. Kazuya is very good at hiding things after all.

Kazuya leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead, eyelids, nose, and lips, ”Nothing, huh?” he repeated, ”But you look anxious.”

It's because it's about him, ”Kazuya, can we go to town and investigate ourselves?” Lyn asked. Maybe she can speak about it with him, but not with Rhys around. Rhys will make things worse.

”Actually, there's a martial arts tournament. Prince Ereland especially invited Rhys and me,” Kazuya pulled out two envelopes from his pocket.

Lyn looked at the envelopes in disgust, ”He's inviting Rhys, after that unreasonable excuse of a fight yesterday?” While Rhys won the fight, he sustained wounds from the unjust methods of Prince Ereland. Even the whole sheath attack, Prince Ereland used the girl's as hostages at first, and Rhys had to be careful with his every move.

”Rhys didn't get that hurt right? He should be fine.”

Ah, that's right. Kazuya only saw the hand injury, before Lyn could say anything; however, Rhys stood up, ”Guess that's an excuse for me to eat more, maybe I'll empty the place.”

Kazuya grinned, ”Now you're talking.”

While the two stood up to get more food, Lyn's gaze fell on the invitation. Curiosity got the best of her, and she opened Kazuya's one up, Lyn's gaze darkened as she read the contents. 'This isn't a simple invitation,' she thought. But Kazuya left it here so casually, so that means he doesn't intend to keep this from her, correct?


- Stadium - 9:00am

Prince Ereland must be an idiot. He did not come over to personally greet her, but he sent his head knight down indicating she was a distinguished guest of his. The reactions from the rest of the villagers were a mixture of disgust and uncertainty. Lyn is relieved that they do not all dislike her since she did form quite strong bonds with them. Still, everybody is cautious towards her. Nobody will approach her as they did before. Prince Ereland so-called plan is for her to be isolated and backed to a corner. So, she can ask him for help.