Chapter 87 - Firework I (1/2)

Before Lyn could open her mouth to speak, she saw it. It was dark, and yet she could see the expression on his face. A rather dark one, those eyes. It seems as though there's nothing there.

' You think you can change? Fool,' a voice in her head said mockingly.

A very lonely look.

Lyn wondered how long it has been since such an expression has made its way on to that usually cheerful face. When she thought back to when she first met Kazuya again before she recalled who he was. Lyn misunderstood him from day 1. She thought he was one of those people, fools who would smile without having a single care in the world. However, that quickly changed. Quickly as in three seconds afterward...

'You don't pretend with me.

I want to be someone you can talk to, okay?

You don't have to act,' his words from that time echoed in her head.

Ah, strange enough he said something like that to her. Usually, she wouldn't even with such words open up. But after he said those words, the idiotic smile usually plastered on his face was replaced with something different. Lyn wanted to find out exactly what changed, why did he show her such an expression? To somebody like her? To find out the reason why she had to get much closer.

Come to think of it; he said something like this too, ' You know Lyn I believe we're quite alike. There are still some things you don't know about me either, but given more time I'm sure you'll realize it also our similarity...Maybe it's cause were similar, Maybe it's cause we're not. But whatever it is I surely don't want to lose it. I want to understand and know more about you. Is that alright, Lyn?'

Wanting to get to know her more hug, instead of getting to know each other through words. They explored the meaning through physical means. That in itself was not wrong, and yet at the same time, it didn't make it right either. Sometimes you cannot express your feelings through words, only through actions you can get the message across. Kazuya and her are that kind of people. Even if it was seen as something socially unacceptable, even if it's considered wrong by the rest of the world. It was the only way that they could understand each other. It's not like anything like that happened between them. But she knew people assumed that whenever he slept over. All Lyn wanted was to pull him close to her, to breathe in his scent, to feel his warmth and fall asleep in his arms.

She had to get close. She had to get close to him to understand and find the meaning behind that difference. But who would have thought that by paying attention to him such an extent, a gorgeous melody would appear in her head? That's right, Lyn saw it then. A different sort of light then before and yet it seemed to gently flow into her memory, something so beautiful. 'Kazuya is a man of wonders,' Lyn thought. Since she met him, she discovered many things she didn't know about herself.

Lyn buried herself in his arms, earning his attention.

”Are you cold?” he asked as he firmly wrapped his arms around her.

”Ah-huh, your very warm,” she doesn't know what's wrong. She won't know unless he confines in her.


Two nights later - River Bank -