Chapter 75 - Her Influence on him (1/2)

2 hours later

Lyn woke up a few minutes ago, and tried to leave his hold only to stumble so he brought her to his arms again. The whole time she seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him and Rhys realized why. Now she is reverting back to being cold? But still, he had to admit these last two hours were a luxury to him. His thoughts broke off when he hears footsteps, Rhys looked up and spotted maroon coloured hair. A goofey grin on his face.

”Lat-,” Rhys sentence falls short when the girl abruptly moved away from him. He frowned, hey now, don't take advantage of his warmth and then leave. Since Lyn moved so quickly, Kazuya did not see a thing.

Kazuya blinked and ran his hand through his wet locks, ”Nobody expected you two to be in a place like this.”

But Rhys wasn't paying attention to Kazuya; his gaze was on Lyn. For the last few minutes, when she was in his arms, he noticed something. The girl's cheeks were flushed; at first, he thought that was because of her embarrassment of being held by him. While that was a far-fetched idea, a man can dream cant they?

”Hey, you okay? ” Rhys asked bending down and placing his hand on the girl's forehead, ”You might have a fever…”

”Let go,” Lyn murmured.

Rhys clicked his tongue in annoyance, 'and now she's gone back to being stubborn,' earlier she was so obedient. No, earlier they were just chatting about serious matters.

”Kazuya,” Lyn called out, she opened her arms out, ”Hug please,” Rhys looked at the girl with wide eyes. Gosh, she's cute. How can somebody so beautiful and elegant, have such a sweet side to themselves?

Kazuya smiled and walked over; he wrapped his arms around the girl, ”So, what have you been up to? Did Rhys do anything strange?”


Isn't she going to mention the hug?


”Huh, you were attacked?!” Kazuya seemed very surprised.

”They didn't go after you?”

”No,” Kazuya shook his head, ”They must be after Lyn then.”

It really must be the first Princess then, of course, she wouldn't send anyone Kazuya's way. Kazuya must have thought the same since his frown deepened, ”Lyn, don't leave my side even for a little while.”

”Okay,” Lyn didn't seem to have a problem with that.



Though Rhys thought it was too dangerous to stop by an inn, Kazuya said this would be better, 'Even the Princess won't attack in broad daylight,' after he said that, Rhys gave it some thought before he agreed. Princess Lethia may be careless, but she won't expose her true colors so easily. Even though there are those who know of her true nature, there are still some blind people out there who think she is kind and friendly.

”Didn't you say you'd follow after her? Why are you on this side?” Rhys mocked. After getting drenched in the rain, the first thing they wanted was a bath. Thankfully, no other customers staying were taking their baths at this time so they could have their peace and quiet.