Chapter 26 - A Safety I Have not Felt In Years (1/2)

Mist Kingdom Castle - North Quarters (Princess Lyn's area)

Lyn respected her brother; she genuinely did despite her fear for him. She's heard others praise his actions too; she always hears comments from other people saying he doesn't do things without reason. But, if so then can someone explain this situation to her? Brother Andrew suggested that Kazuya stay over at her place, that's fine and all since there's an extra room.

However, when she was about to tell that to Kazuya for some reason Brother stopped her. Lyn understood immediately; she was supposed to keep her mouth shut. But why? Why would her brother make her go through this situation?

She desperately questioned it in her head. Uh, uhh um? What what? How did it end up like this? After treating Kazuya's wounds, he immediately instructed her to go rest. For the past hour or so, Lyn tossed and turned in her sleep, but it did no good. She was wide awake.

Lyn peeked at Kazuya from the covers; she felt tired, so she wanted to return quickly and rest. But Lyn didn't think her brother would make such a suggestion. Lyn looked over at Kazuya who sat on the sofa. It was large enough for somebody to sleep on, so Kazuya said he would stay here instead of use the other room. Still, ”Um, you won't stay beside me?”

Kazuya laughed, ”Please, let me have a decent night sleep.”

Is it not relaxing with her? Lyn frowned, but Kazuya continued to smile, ”It's fine, I'm more used to sleeping in couches.”

He is? That's not good for his body.

”Kazuya, come here.”

He smiled at her and stood up. He walked over, and she grabbed hold of his hand. He seemed surprised but gently caressed her hair with his free hand, ”Are you okay, Lyn?”

”Your hand is warm.”

”Your acting strange Lyn,” Kazuya paused, ”Sorry, did I scare you earlier?”

Lyn shook her head, ”I'm just a bit afraid. I keep thinking that one day I will lose you.”

”I'm strong Lyn; I'll be fine.”

”But even strong people have their limits. In my nightmares, no matter how many times I called your name. You wouldn't wake up, and you were covered in blood. No matter how much I wiped it away, the blood wouldn't go away. I'm afraid Kazuya, I don't want to lose you,” she knew she wasn't making much sense right now. But that didn't matter; Lyn genuinely meant these words. Lyn doesn't want to lose him; she wants to be with him more.

Lyn bravely said those words and conveyed her thoughts when she fought with him earlier. But, the reality is she doesn't want to part from him. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Kazuya lay down beside her.


A deep sigh passed his lips, ”Honestly this is torture for me.”

Lyn looked at him puzzled.

”But, I want to assure you,” he brought his lips to her hair and gently kissed her. It surprised Lyn, but she didn't question him. It felt comfortable and just right, ”It's alright Lyn, nothings going to happen to me. I'll never leave you.”

”Kazuya, you have to one day return to the Sound Kingdom though.”

Kazuya paused and shook his head, ”There's a way for me to stay in the Mist. I'm an ambassador, if I get the official permit then...”

The official permit, but the ones who give those out are the Queen. There's no way her mother will let Kazuya stay here any longer then he's supposed to. She trusts brother to keep the situation under wraps. But, the incidence with the second brother undoubtedly caused Mother's opinion to lessen.

He draws his hand back causing her eyes to widen.

As he intertwines their hands together, ” You can have everything, so sleep well tonight.”


Year 4014 XX days later.

Lyn opened her eyes and looked beside her, Kazuya's hand which she was holding tightly the night before wasn't there, and the person in question wasn't around. What time is it? Lyn looked around and spotted the orange-colored skies from the window. Did she sleep for the whole day? Lyn frowned, even though she doesn't have much work as her siblings. She still had her regular lessons. Lyn tried to get up, but weakness filled her bones.

Huh? Lyn looked puzzled, and confusion filled her face. What's going on? Before Lyn could think it through, a familiar voice called out to her from the doorway.

”Hey, sleepy head.”