Chapter 22 - The Plan P3 (1/2)

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom Main Castle

Lyn got used to her solidarity lifestyle. She got used to her family treating her like she didn't exist most of the time and simply passed any meetings with them with equally the same amount of indifference. It was easy for her to act indifferent. She did not know them. Even if they knew things about her, she knew nothing about any of her family members outside her younger sister.

It wasn't until she met Kazuya did Lyn realize something was wrong about the situation. However, even then Lyn didn't want to over-think it and continued remaining indifferent regarding the case.

But when even Rhys pointed it out, whatever walls she built vanished completely. Lyn felt her first brother's watchful gaze on her during the beginning of the meal. Coming in together was awkward enough, let alone him still looking at her. Isn't it fine already? She already answered all his questions.

Lyn hid nothing - she told him everything regarding Kazuya. She didn't see the need to hide anything when he was so clearly testing her. He already knows everything, why does she have to hide? It's stupid. This entire situation is stupid. Meeting once in a while to have a meal together?

What good does that do, all they talk about is political affairs? Currently, her eldest sister was speaking about the matters in the North while Kotaro made inquiries on Fathers deal with another Kingdom.

How boring, this atmosphere. Lyn didn't realize it before, how stifling the atmosphere in these events were. It's not like when she's with Kazuya, or with Pupillam and the General.

Lyn can't bring herself to smile or even laugh. Her gaze darkened, exactly what has she been doing this whole time? Why is she only just noticing these things now? Was she brainwashed into thinking her solitary confinement was okay? It's no wonder Kazuya wants to show her the world. If he didn't take her hand, perhaps she would remain completely clueless.

But now she knows, Lyn doesn't know how to face her family members. Though she ate, she ate her food silently - that's something that hasn't changed. But unlike before where she was determined to prove her point and looked at everyone with a determined gaze. The whole meal Lyn avoided looking at anyone like the plague. She was afraid that they would see through the changes in herself.

Her thoughts broke off when she hears something, a faint voice resounding in the air. Lyn isn't sure at first and didn't pay any attention to it. She wanted to concentrate on finishing her food quickly, say she's tired and excuse herself quickly. But after a few minutes, she hears it again.

'Lyn, be careful.'

Kazuya? Lyn immediately got up and made her way over to the window. It's bad manners to stand up in the middle of the meal. But she seldom cared about that right now. What's important is she heard Kazuya's voice. Be careful? She felt her face color turn pale, did...did something happen to him?

Lyn was fully aware that the main reason why Kazuya didn't want others to see them together was because of the plans his group had. He must have been making some extra preparations earlier. The only reason she complied was because Lyn knew this.

Why didn't she stop him if she knew? Simple, because Lyn didn't see anything wrong with the group trying to retrieve the item. It's not like they had particular use of it. If that item can help Kazuya's people, then it's okay if they have it. Lyn closed her eyes and felt a surge of energy fill her body.

Faint images appeared in her head, but what stood out to her was the one where somebody got carried away from the palace grounds. Her eyes widened when she recognized the maroon hair. But before she could concentrate on the image, it broke.

Ah, somebody interfered, Lyn looked back, but none of her family members seemed to notice anything amiss. But then again Mother always wears such a calm expression, so it's hard to tell. Lyn shook her head; even mother wouldn't do something like this.

”Child, sit down and close the window along the way. Did you not get a fever recently? You ought to sit back down,” Andrew's words cut through her thoughts like a sharp knife.

Contrary to his caring sounding words, Lyn understood what he was trying to say. 'Are you not done acting like a fool yet?' Lyn didn't have to know her brother well to know he does not care for her wellbeing.

”I'm sorry, but I have to leave,” Lyn quickly bowed. Before they could stop her, Lyn turned to the window and jumped down.

On the way down she got injured because of the branch, and pain spread through her right shoulder. But Lyn didn't pay much attention to it and landed on the ground. Lyn didn't look up knowing full well that they were looking - at least, she felt the hardening gaze of her brother before she dashed out into the night.


Lyn didn't have a particular destination; she realized how stupid it was to jump down without using magic too. Since the pain from her wounded shoulder restricted her movements. Lyn dismissed the pain and walked down the long corridors towards the section where there was lax security.

It seemed like a prominent location, but the reality is - this is a sign for most people. Lax security, it was a death trap. It's a trap; she knows how Mother does this deliberately to test which naive soul would actually enter.

In the previous opening days, at least during the beginning. There were thieves and corrupt members who tried to exploit this. Sadly, all of them fell under Mother's trap. This time around though, this area is unguarded. There are no hidden guards anywhere.

She isn't particularly sure why that is, what made things different today than all the other opening days? Her thoughts broke off when Lyn hears voices. Ah? People? Maybe somebody from Kazuya's team? While she hasn't met all of them yet, outside Fukami and Rhys, she isn't familiar with the rest. Lyn is sure that they've heard of her, with that in mind, she walked towards the doors.

The sight that greeted her made her eyes widen, yes she found some people from the Sound Kingdom. One of them was all too familiar to her, the man she got to know the whole morning till they separated a little less than two hours ago. Rhys was on top of a woman, their clothes discarded on the ground and he was sucking and biting the woman's neck all the way down to her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Lyn's cheeks turned red when she realized what was going on. Though she isn't familiar with it, she's uhh heard things. Wh—what are they doing? In such a public area…

More importantly, since they are busy she ought to leave quickly. If Rhys is here, maybe there are others around too. Perhaps even Fukami is nearby. Before Lyn could turn away, however, a voice called out to her.

”What are you doing? What about your dinner?” Rhys asked.