Chapter 15 - I dislike nobles but your different (1/2)

Year 4019 Mist Kingdom

Word quickly got around regarding Kazuya's strength; at least word reached the ears of those who knew of her existence. Even those guards who looked down upon him before treated him with respect. They still scorned him, but they no longer looked at him with contempt anymore. Lyn frowned, she didn't like this at all! Since that time she's seldom seen Kazuya around. He no longer met up with her in the usual spot. She had Pupillam investigate, according to her the soldiers keep Kazuya busy in the training grounds.

Kazuya does show up eventually, but she's already gone for morning lessons. They keep missing each other, that's why today she canceled her lessons. Lyn made her way across to the training grounds section in the Northern grounds. She usually avoids this place, but today, Lyn walked across the stone paths and eventually arrived at the courtyard. Sure enough, when she reached her destination, there was Kazuya training with a group of soldiers. The frown on her face deepened.

Lyn called out, ”Kazuya!”

her tone contained malice.

”Ah? Hey Lyn, wait a sec--”

”Do you like them more than you like me?” Lyn exclaimed, ”I like you a lot, but you spend more time with them.”

At that comment Kazuya dropped the blade, the soldier that was charging towards him managed to cut his shoulder. But Kazuya swiftly moved aside and threw the man down in seconds.

For a split few seconds, the courtyard was engulfed in silence - before the soldiers burst into chatter.

”Did you hear that?”


”He got the Princess. Kazuya is awesome!”

Lila looked at the soldiers puzzled. But before she could ask what they meant. She noticed Kazuya walking over. Once he was in front of her, Kazuya wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him, ”Have you eaten?”

Kazuya asked softly.

Lyn shook her head, ”Ah, not yet.”

”Then let's get something to eat in town.”

”Ah? But---”

Kazuya gave her a reassuring smile, ”It's okay. It's okay.”


Central Market

”Yummy! This is delicious,” Lyn said happily.

Kazuya laughed, ”It's only some barbeque skewers. You've never had them before?”

Lyn shook her head, and paused, ”Ah, is it okay that I ate this? Normally I get people to taste my food for me.”

”You don't need that, right now you're just Lyn.”

Just Lyn, Lyn's gaze softened, ”Did you speak with my mother or something? How was I able to leave just like that?” Usually, her mother's magic that covers the place doesn't allow her to leave past the entrance point. Only during the day, she's allowed out in the month.

”Even if I am brave, I'm not suicidal.”

Lyn blinked in confusion, and Kazuya continued, ”Don't you know how scary your mother is?”

Her mother, well she supposes she's heard the rumors. They've never actually held much of a conversation before so Lyn wouldn't know. Kazuya realizes what he just said and apologized, ”Sorry.”

Lyn shook her head, ”It can't be helped.”

Her thoughts broke off when she felt Kazuya's hands on top of hers from across the table, ”Ah?”

”Well, you're not alone anymore. I'm with you.”

She smiled happily, ”That's true.”


The last person she expected to meet her was Lieutenant Teo. After all, everybody knows unless he's with his family, he's too busy working on other affairs. But sure enough, she spotted his dirt blonde hair from afar. Her face color turned pale, is he with his family? If he were, then she could easily escape this situation. However, sadly she saw no traces of them.

Lyn quickly tried to hide behind Kazuya, but it was too late. The lieutenant walked over with a frown on his face, ”Princess Lyn.”