Chapter 8 - Visiting the Market P1 (2/2)
War, it's a term she isn't too familiar with outside her textbooks. Lyn had yet to see the real devastation of war. But she more or less got a grasp on it whenever she sees the soldiers rushing about, or when she's simply left alone with Pupillam, ”War, will it happen soon?” Lyn mumbled; lately, things are odd around the castle. She usually would not need to summon the General for lessons, and he would naturally come over. But recently, she has to call for him.
Her thoughts broke off when Kazuya drew her close, ”Even if there's war, I'll protect you.”
”I don't need that; I need to learn how to defend myself.”
Kazuya laughed, ”Well that's true. But I'll protect you too,” Lyn wanted to ask him. If he would still protect her if they were on opposing sides? However, she felt like if she did ask, then things would become awkward again. Lyn pulled away from him, ”Not crying today?” Kazuya said.
Lyn pouted, ”I don't always cry.”
”Mm, maybe you just cry a lot in front of me then.”
The Princess is silent knowing she couldn't refute those words, not even she understood why she could cry in front of Kazuya. This person probably plays a crucial role in her life somehow. As for what that key role is, she doesn't know yet. But for now, Lyn tugged on his hand, ”Let's go over there!” Lyn pointed towards central square, ”There are loads of activities in the center.”
”Sure. Oh, I spy music, sounds good.”
When Lyn followed Kazuya's gaze to the woman playing, she frowned, ”I can play the koto.” The Koto is an eastern musical instrument, around 180CM and made from Kiri wood.
”Oh? I want to see this. No offense, but it's hard to picture you with a musical ability. Maybe a chicken dance.”
Lyn glared at him for the last line as she exclaimed, ”I can!” She isn't lying, though Lyn found Princess lessons dull, she was able to handle them all with ease. Playing musical instruments too was easy for her. Kazuya only laughed, causing Lyn to get frustrated. Ahh geez! ”I'll just prove it to you!” Lyn exclaimed. Kazuya looked at her puzzled, but Lyn let go of their hands and walked towards the square.
She tapped the woman who was playing shoulder gaining her attention and whispered, ”You see...”
After a few minutes the woman laughed and nodded, she stood up and said something to her band members. The rest of them also smiled and nodded. Lyn grinned once the woman placed the instrument in her hands. She sent a smug look to Kazuya; she's going to show him. Lyn's gaze fell on the instrument as Lyn positioned her hands on the strings. Come to think of it, due to her focusing on training she hasn't played much recently. Regardless though, Lyn fingers naturally moved amongst the different strings and started to play.