Chapter 747 - Clearwater Nuclear Power Plant (2/2)

It wasn’t a nuclear power plant; it was a se and small tents were set up inside in the e quarters of the workers Although Clearwater Nuclear Power Plant was designed to operate on its own for at least 50 years withoutspace for 500 people

There were more than 500 people crowded there – at least a thousand people

“These are the aboriginals of the nuclear power plant… There should be no proble to the Chen and introduced hi Chen immediately understood why he didn’t see any corpses at the resort and the owners of the luxury cars in the garage didn’t show any signs of leaving Originally, those people didn’t flee to fallout shelters several kilometers ahen the nuclear war broke out Instead, they directly hid in the nuclear power plant

When the nuclear war broke out, people with a conscience didn’t keep the strategic reserve secret; they hid inside with a large group of despairing survivors

“Originally, these workers’ dormitories were occupied by Mud Crabs We cleared the area after we came”

“Even the round for a long ti with, but they also need us to maintain order, and they share their extra food with us”

“Food? Where do they get food froae, and seaweed are all suitable for growth here” Zhao Tianyu grinned “The nuclear power plant’s deuterium refinery has a pipeline that connects with the sea Not only can it obtain seaweed, but there are a few s mushrooms at a nuclear power plant was certainly a different taste of life

However, Jiang Chen didn’tspeaking was the best way to disguise hiuards stood at the entrance in the corner This place was Fallout Shelter 079 Exploration Tea the so-called co Chen

“Let’s sit”

Jiang Chen sat in the chair and leaned on the rifle next to hiers crossed on the table, and asked Jiang Chen seriously:

“Does the Fog De to that shadoith an axe, I think he’s still here,” Jiang Chen said

A bitter sh… can you tell me how you escaped it?”

“He sneaked fro Chen said that in an understateer in his words

“Good lord, you certainly have a few moves We had 117 brothers at one time, but only twenty of the down the hillChen asked

“It’s easy to guess If they returned to the town alive, the director wouldn’t have waited for so many years to collect our bodies,” Zhao Tianyu said, “What’s your plan now?”

After aChen said

“Take you back and bring these people along the way”

It was inconvenient for hienerators and nuclear fuel, and those who depended on nuclear energy would certainly not allow hi theive up this nuclear power plant

“We can’t get there” Zhao Tianyu shook his head “With the Fog De is his territory In his territory, we’ll die”

“What’s this so-called Fog De Chen asking this question, Zhao Tianyu let out a long sigh

“It’s said that he used to be a person who belonged to Clearwater Nuclear Power Plant”

After a short pause, he then continued

“And he was the one who opened the door and brought these poor people into the nuclear power plant…”