79 Desires of Vulki and Nemesis (1/2)
Gin POV-
After sorting those three, I approach Vulki and Nemesis who were watching from a distance. I can see an expectant look on Nemesis' face while Vulki's mask is making a barely audible clicking noise. A weird heavy breathing is making wisps of blue deepflame waft off her mask. Weird.....
”Well, it's your turns now. What do you want from the evolutions....” Gin
”I want a physical body! I've had enough of this!” Vulki
She starts grabbing at her own body but, her hands phase through.... Her lack of a physical bodt has caused her lots of trouble. She has to use spiderlings to do menial tasks and it seems to have built up stress for her.
”Right, a new aspect then? Some sort of solid or liquid aspect then.... What about you Nemesis?” Gin
”I want to be able make others realize the greatness of the saint. Something along the lines of the ancient aspect that Kess has.” Nemesis
”Hmmmm..... That'll be difficult. It will be up to fate. If I cant find anything like that is there anything else?” Gin
”..... Perhaps a body like Set that is able to be more humanoid?” Nemesis
”Lets go with Vulki first. Lets see.....” Gin
Hundreds of different options flood the screen. Most of them optimize her current body. I filter those out as none are really that interesting. That leaves a couple dozen different aspects..... Lust is still there.... Skip. Hmmm? These are all really intersting! Reaper, distortion, light, fate..... Love? Skip.... Seraphim? That is a type of Angel right? It would probably help with the physical body part. It would allow a new flying force as well.
After Xelu evolved, she lost her wings and I'm pretty sure that her subordinates will change accordingly. So this evolution would help compensate for that loss along with achieving what Vulki wants. It's decided.
I confirm my choice and Vulki's fire envelopes her into a spinning ball of fire. I can see masks spinning around inside with many different expressions. Lets hope I can find a good evolution for Nemesis too.
Hmmm? As I was looking through the different optimizing options, I find one that is very special. It turns her draconic aspect into a dragon aspect which would drastically increases her physical abilities. It would also eliminate six of her spider legs while modifying the remaining two able to support her. I'm not sure about how it would effect her abilities but, dragons are supposed to be intimidating creature so, it could potentially satisfy all of her conditions.
I quickly skim over the aspects she could gain which solidifies my that option in my mind. Pride.... What is it with the seven sins here? Whatever....
I confirm the optimization choice and Nemesis turns into a giant pile of mushrooms.... Blue and white scales grow all over it and I swear..... I can see faces in the amalgamation.....
I wouldn't be suprised if some psycho killer clown would wear something like that. The cocoon bursts sending the flaming masks out as they dissipate into the air. I look at the new Vulki.
She is still wearing the same crisscrossed dark-blue light-blue jester clothing. Her bell hat is jingling as she starts observing herself. Although her clothing hasn't changed her body most definitely has. It's no longer made of flames which is a shame as it was good for defense.... She has pale skin similar to me. On top of that she is no longer an arachne. Normal legs. I would say that she is no longer a spider if it weren't for the wings that are sticking out of her back. There are six of them covered in flaming blue feathers. Instead of bones holding them together, long and thin spider limbs are there for the job.
Then there is her firey mask. It is now missing its lower half displaying a portion of her face. If I were a pervert, it would stimulate my imagination. Fortunately I'm a gentleman..... The top half of the mask no longer has a diamond and heart. Instead, there are golden runes flowing across it's surface.
I open her status screen and it seems that she is checking her own out as well
Name: Vulki
Race: Deepfire Aracseraphester(unique)
level: 15
Required exp: 12,000
Health (200/200)
Resource- Mixed Deepfire essence(1400/1400)
Shared perk- Closed System
Loyalty: Max
Condition: normal