77 Troublesome Bunch (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 42750K 2022-07-23

Kess' cocoon breaks into a sand-like substance. I take a look at her new form. Still the same old overweight metallic wolf spider. However, she is more of a silver color. The most catching part is the wisps of silver that steam off of her. It starts circling above her similar to clouds going around a mountaintop. Cool!

I go over to check up on her condition. She has her eyes closed. Is she?.....

”Gggrrreennchhh” Kess

She seems to have passed out. A phlegmy sounding snore leaves me speechless. I was worried that she would go on a devouring spree but, it seems that's not the case?..... I open her status screen to see her new species.


Race: Ancient Arachneven Juggernaut(unique)

level: 15

Required exp: 12,000

Health (1200/1200)

Resource- Ancient/Iron essence(360/360)

Shared perk- Closed System

Loyalty: Max

Condition: Exhausted

Her health almost doubled..... I can tell from the overwhelming feeling coming from her that it's not only her health that has increased. I wonder if that Cow queen from the reverse temple could even do anything to her now?....


She wakes up before the other two are finished with their evolutions. She gives me a dumbfounded look with her eyes which are silver and black now..... I wish they were spider eyes instead of human-like ones.....

”So, how do you feel?” Gin

”Gin? Hmmmm..... Power. Huh?” Kess

”Something off” Gin

”Somethings weird with my status. Strength and Endurance are over 25.” Kess

Holy crap! I never really asked for their statuses so to hear those numbers makes me a bit surprised.

”A couple perks that increases defense and health are there too.....? A crushing pressure ability related to the ancient aspect too.” Kess

”Can you try it?” Gin

”I'll need a living target. Spiderling?” Kess

”No.... That's fine. I'm suprised you haven't mentioned food though?” Gin

”I've been drinking for a while.....” Kess


I take a good look and it seems that she is slurping some of the silver steam back into her mouth constantly..... Do I no longer need to worry about feeding her anymore?

”Tastes good~. She combine it with some morsels. Make a good seasoning.” Kess

”.....” Gin

I sit down next to Kess and start to watch the other two. Their process is taking longer for some reason.







'Ahhhh!' Gin

I move away from Kess. She is constantly drinking that silver energy and it's a bit annoying. Especially when you are right next to her as she does it.


Hmmm? I look over to Xelu and watch as her cocoon turns brown and rots away quickly. Unlike with Kess, her form has gone through drastic changes. She has a true humanoid body...

A short and thin creature.... Her face is still the same humanoid one that came from the original harpy that she was. A little baby-faced but still appealing..... Only difference is that it is purple now along with all of her skin. Her body is thin to a degree that you can see her ribs. A clear beating of her heart shoots through them....

Her limbs are short compared to human standards but, they fit her 'new' body. At the ends of both of her legs and arms are three-pronged hands/feet that seem to lack nails. A pair of spider limbs stick out of her back..... (Author's note: I think a version of spiderman had these along with a character from one of those chinese novels.)

The most catching thing with her is a new energy that lingers around her similar to what Kess has. It 'flows' close to her skin acting as clothing.

It is a sleek black and red energy that has eyes float around in it. Tentacles sometimes jut out aling with thorns and other weird body parts.

I wonder if the spiderlings she has will go through a major change too? We'll have to see later. Xelu comes hopping over towards me. A few heads short. Probably around a meter tall. Quite a bit smaller. Can she still spin web? Nemesis doesn't have the abdomen of a spider either.... Do I want to know?

”Can you still spin web?” Gin

”Yes, Mashta” Xelu

Still call me Mashta despite-




She vomited out a bunch of bloody threads. Purple energy swirl inside of it. Not long after fleshy muscle and fat begins to grow on it..... So that's how that works...Trying to cleanse my mind of that image I bring up her new status screen.

”Is she as ridiculous as me, Gin?” Kesa

Kess shouts out a question as I observe the new screen.


Race: Unknown Arachno-horror(unique)

level: 15

Required exp: 12,000

Health (400/400)

Resource- Blood/Eldritch/Ailen essence(290/290)