68 Mictiel Fortress (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 25920K 2022-07-23

Ravel POV-

The vice captain of the royal guards took about 500 royal guards to mess with the Fallen Dwarves at Mictiel Fortress. I'm currently watching through a scrying pool that a few mages are maintaining. Scrying Pools are quite useful as they give a topdown view of a situation. Although they are very useful there are plenty of requirements. On top of that items that can block them do exist....

Thankfully, I can see the current situation. The Fallen Dwarves are using heavy ballista to take out any defenses on the wall while several groups of heavily armoured dwarves are pushing barricades on wheels forward. Behind those barricades are Fallen dwarves carrying explosive crates. Occasionally a catapult from inside the fortresses walls lauches a firey ball that hits one of these groups, sometimes resulting in a large explosion.

The siege goes on for a few hours, the wall has crumpled in many portions as the armoured dwarves smash through into the fortress. I ask the mages to refocus on the vice captain. The water in the scrying pool becomes misty and he and his guard appear. They are actually close to the back of the Fallen Dwarves forces. I can see piles of crates, unused catapults, dwarven alchemists, and several other dwarves that are probably meant to deal with resources. They must have planned to reuse this force on several other Union bases and cities.....

The vice captain sees a bunch of explosive crates. I can see the plan that is hatching in his head. He gives out a few orders for his subordinates to distract the small force that is guarding this forces rear. Honestly this is rather risky. The full force of this army is probably around 60,000 total including logistical personnel. 45,000 of them are soldiers with 5,000 elites with heavy armor.

Right now, about 1,000 elites are attacking along with 20,000 normal soldiers..... I continue to watch and eventually get bored.

”Wetho, Watch over the situation. I am gonna go take a nap. Wake me if anything interesting happens.” Ravel

”Yes.” Wetho


”Hope they all die” Wetho


Ravel POV-

”Hmmmm?~” Ravel

”Wake up! Something weird has happened!” Wetho

Wetho jerks me awake. For her to be flustered is not good! I immediately get dressed as the mages around the acrying pool are dumbfounded. I look in to see something incredible. The area where the fallen dwarves forces were is nothing but a crater. Molten metal filling it up as fires burst out of it at times. Why did I have to take a nap!?!?! This is amazing!

”What happened” Ravel

”A small force with some Pride Ogres burst into the enemies lines. Ogen was among them. Then the one cloaked guy who attacked our capital some years ago and a few mages used some sort of giant ruby to cast a massive meteor spell. The fire that came off it's impact was even more ridiculous as it melted the ground, all of the dwarves, even our own royal guards who failed to flee..... They quickly suppressed the remaining dwarves.... The battle is over.” Wetho