65 Pocket War (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 38020K 2022-07-23

”Did you come back to accept my proposal of marriage then, Inival?” Krychek

”No, I have already found the person I belong to!” Inival

He is stunned for a second, looks at me, then he brings out a small notepad and pen and crosses something out. He chews on the end of pen as he stares at the notepad for a few seconds, eventually pocketing them.

”Only 79 candidates left out of 279. Am I really not that attractive?” Krychek

He whispers that but, it is still highly audible. A little pitiful. Especially with the expression of grief that he is making. Inival shouts at him a few times and he evetually gets himself back together.

”Right the teleport thing, ehhh. I don't have anything to do with that.” Krychek

”Then why are you here!?!?” Inival

”I'm the commander?” Krychek

He asks in a confused manner leaving Inival dumbfounded. I think he means to say that he is the commander and can be anywhere in the keep. At least I hope that's what he means by asking. Hmmmm....? Who does she belong to? Cant be me right? I'm human(ish). Perhaps Drun. She could also want to be with Ravel and Wetho as well.....

Not important. So if this guy has nothing to do with the teleportation procedure then who does? While Inival and Krychek play the idiot and the retorter game, a small mousy girl stumbles out of the same passage Krychek came from. Krychek focuses on her and a huge grin appears on his face again. He's not going to-

”Did you come back to accept my marriage proposal then, Mede?” Krychek

Almost word for word.... This guy.... Despite her size the girl has a hot temper and growls at Krychek.

”I'm here for work Krychek! I have already gone through this with you! I don't like you at all! Even with your seduction attempts, it's impossible! I'm almost a fourth your size! I would die!” Mede

”Playing hard to get ehhh~! Two can play at that. Dummy~!” Krychek

I get a feeling of horror as this goes on. Even more than when Xelu was created or when Vulki was turned into a ball of flesh from eating Xelu's webbing. Seriously, this guy.

”Anyway, Wetho gave direct orders to have you teleported to their direct army. I suggest you guys hide in the carriage before being teleported. Their army is being watched by the shit-spawn nobles so it's best to remain hidden” Mede

”Hey, hey, Mede, I'm a noble you know. I am part of Madam Farblight's family so it's not like all nobles are bad~. Krychek

”You are an especially evil noble. Lets get this over with so I can escape from this shit-stain!” Mede

I get in the carriage along with Inival. Spider's subordinates are supposed to stay behind to make sure the next batch of slaves are brought to war.


A blue glow envelopes the air as it begins. I expected a whoosh or zoom but, being teleported had a grinding noise.... Similar to a metal rusty door opening. I open the door of the carriage to see another magic circle but in a different place. In the distance are hundreds of tents with a massive one taking up the center. I see a few familiar faces approach from the circle's side. A war is really beginning huh.