64 AI (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 24140K 2022-07-23

Gin POV-

Two days left.... I've been preparing all I can for the trip as well as trying to set the nest up so that it can function without me for a while. One of the reasons that I decided to leave Vulki and Kess behind is to have people who can lead in my absence. However, when I mentioned that to them they didn't seem to happy. I also realised a problem. A strange issue with the overseer. Other than me no one can access it. You can try to communicate through the watchers but, it will just ignore you.

There are two ways to fix this. Dump an astronomical amount of TE into it or change it into a full-fledged AI. Obviously only the later is actually an option. I struggled with this idea as TE-EX seems to be a very special resource. I know that TE can be acquired slowly through generators or through the absorption of energy from the dead. Where does TE-EX come from though? I honestly can't find anything through all these screens.... There are generators for it but, they require a lot of TE-EX so that won't help at all.

In the end I pumped 10 TE-EX into the screen.....


*Randomly selecting subordinate to build AI personality and knowledge template off of.

*Subordinate Kess selected

*Please wait a moment....

Kess huh? That's actually a good outcome. She may not be as good at commanding as Vulki or Nemesis from what I've seen but, she is definitely skilled. The only problem is that Kess is a very gluttonous girl so, I'm not to sure how things will pan out. Well what's the worst that can happen?.... Why'd I think that? Rogue AI are definitely a thing! Although it shouldn't be possible for it to betray me, it could still bring about tons of issues.....

*AI constructed. Please designate a name.

Hmmmm..... I guess a name similar to Kess but, it should still distinctly different..... It may be like Kess at first, however, it should diverge from the original with time so Kess 2 wouldn't do for a name.....


After toiling around in my mind I came to two names. One is only a couple letters away from Kess, Tessa. The other is something entirely different, Monika. That name popped up in my head while thinking of names for an AI. I'll go with Tessa though since that's actually pretty good. Seriously why Monika? Just Monika? No other names?

*AI designated 'Tessa'

*Booting up AI

'ehhh?????' Tessa

Booting up? Can I turn it-.... Her?.... Can she be turned off then? I think she is confused so I better start explaining what's going on.

'Gin!?!? Gin!?!? Where am I!?!? Everything's dark! Where is my body! The hunger!?!? Why is it setting in!?!? I have no body!!!! Ahhh.....'

Before I can speak up she starts speaking in a frantic voice with a weird tone. Kess is not usually a very 'emotional' person. Complete opposite of Nemesis. She eventually goes quiet and I start to feel a strange irritation in my chest.

'So where to begin.... Let's see..... Do you have any idea of what a clone is?' Gin

'G-gin?' Tessa

She asks in an absolutely terrified voice. I feel horrible about what I have to tell her....

'You know about the system..... Specifically about the territorial stuff that has came up and about the overseer?' Gin

'G-gin? Y....Yes.... Clone..... No.....' Tessa

She seems to have come to a conclusion just from that.