43 Ring (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 25580K 2022-07-23

Kess and her spiderlings have been expanding the nest as well as building probing tunnels to try and search for new pockets. At the same time Xelu, Set, and I have been exploring outward while I'm not reading about vampires. The forest is surprisingly almost fully grown back. The wretched had devoured a large portion of it leaving nothing behind but, they did leave the new sprouts alone oddly enough. Quite nice as the cliff is noticeably weird at this point with Xelu and Vulki's spawners on top of it. I tried to hide them by stacking rocks in front of them. However Vulki's cubes glow a weird color at night, somehow making it look ominous.

The most changed place would have to be the arachne queen's nest. It was a bit reckless even though I had Set check it out first. Surprisingly, not a lot of damage was done to the actual structure when the Zephyr Lord attacked. Only the entrance had been widened from it's siege. What I saw from first entering was that all of the webbing had turned into a toxic looking purple, with some of it showing a little bit of a neon green. Even the rock near the entrance had started to turn from blue to purple.

Whatever poison was used to kill her must have been extremely potent. Anyways it seems that this place has been entirely cleaned out. Checking the room I had first 'appeared' from gave me a suprise though. All the corpses are gone leaving a large empty space. Hmmm? I notice a little silver twinkle from something. Nothing should be reflecting light as the purple webbing absorbs light..... Well there is a faint green glow, but that should not be able to produce a twinkle like that.

I walk over on high alert with Set. I had left Xelu outside to watch for any potential threats.... What I see is a small silver ring. Engraved on it is the name 'ALEX'....? Name seems familar.... What is this doing here? Only guess I have is that it was buried under all the corpses. Unlike me and my subordinates, most organisms need to eat so maybe....

'A ring in a place like this is weird, isn't it?' Set

She's thinking along the same lines huh.... I have an odd feeling seep into me. A similar feeling as to the one that Kess and Xelu give off. This one though..... I can only explain it as a desire to keep it close. A ring that makes you desire it? I've heard that somewhere before, although where exactly eludes me. I slip it on my ring-finger and move on.

What I didn't know was that this action would cause some choas in the future.


Leaving the Arachne queen's nest, I decide to check out the dungeon. Telling this to Set and Xelu leaves them in a weird state. Set seems to be seems to be checking out our surroundings with with extreme focus and Xelu is scanning from above. Did Vulki tell them something? I enter stealth and slowly crouch-walk to the dungeon.

What I see is a bit weird. Space seems to distort and parts of it stretch out and rubberband back. After a while it seems to die down and everything is calm. A unique sight indeed. I can see the ground the entrance is burned but the entrance looks fine just that the portal is missing.... I'd rather not go inside the area behind where it should be with space being as weird as it is. My decision is correct as it acts up again rapidly stretching, almost reaching to where I am.... Hopefully, this doesn't turn into a problem.

The Drow higher-ups should have some idea and since they aren't doing anything..... It's fine? Well that's enough investigating for now. I have a hankering to get back and start reading over more information on Vampires.


Returning to the nest Vulki looks relieved. I start explaining to her the situation at the dungeon and she nods.