39 Not gone ye (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 25080K 2022-07-23

Alternare POV-

Welp. Suprises come in bunches. After that sludgeling defiled me, a lot of pressures have been pitted against us. Still.... What was that. It was quite a pleasant feeling to be shredded. Nothing should be able to effect us physically, so that foreign feeling was amazing.

Putting my top hat back on, I order the stagehands to hurry up. That dirty bitch should be 'cleaning' her subordinates right now so we have a bit of time to work with. Lord Sloth should be able to protect us but..... That's if it even desires to do so.... Better employer than envy though. Those poor bastards keep disappearing recently as well.

A stagehand pulls on my cufflinks. Ohhh? A transmission? Hopefully Lord Sloth is contacting us. It's quite puzzling that he would contact us so soon though.

Walking into a smaller tent, I'm bathed by the red glow of my room. Ahhh how I've missed it so. If it wasn't for my job as the ringleader, I would never leave you. I shoosh the screams of the lesser creatures that have lost their physical forms and open up the curtains in front of my receiver.

Lord Sloth appears this time as a small child covered in sheep fur. I take off my hat and bow.

”What have you done this time! Sillith is encroaching the core of my hell!!!” Sloth

What?!?! For her to already have!.... Don't tell me that the second hell will be lost? Hells should only be able to be usurped by beings that have a similar nature to it. Even then, it is almost an impossibility.

Perhaps her aspect of gluttony will allow.....

”What are the other lords doing? They can't allow for this to happen!” Ringleader

”Lust and Envy tried to help but, they suffered heavy blows to their forces. She is demanding that I surrender along with you specifically! What have you done!!!” Sloth

The only thing I've done was kidnap that sludg-.... Ha... Hahahhaha~ For that? Time we escape huh. Sloth is going to be lost. He should bear the responsibility as our employer. No one would take us in so we can only rely on ourselves. Kidnap the whelp again? Never. Only bad endings there.

One day we will have Sillith on our stage~. Perhaps we can even force that sludgeling down her throat. Ahhh~ I can imagine the scene now~.

”Sorry Slothy boy~. It's time we make our exit. It was a fun time working under you~.” Ringleader

”wahhh????I knew it. You never truly submitted. You crazy devils. I can guarantee this though. If I fall you have no chance for survival.” Sloth

I give a wide smile. The skin over my face breaks a little revealing what truly lies under.

”Heeeeaaaa~ not if we climb into the abyss~!” Ringleader


”Truly insane. I should never have delegated all that work to you guys.” Sloth