37 Hatred (1/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 29660K 2022-07-23

Gore warning: It doesn't happen until Vulki's POV. You can skip over it if you want. It's just to let you guys know that she is not a good person basically.

Drow POV-

When we see the human leave the nest we are given a big surprise. He comes out with more than one broodmother. Honestly, if it wasn't for the smaller spiders with the same appearances, I would think them to be just a normal spider..... What is that? A blob with weird appendages stumbles over as well.

These are his subordinates? Dangerous. I was thinking that we could perhaps ally ourselves with him but, with his war potential, it would be better to assassinate him. We have given up the element of surprise. Still, if we could escape.... We have those. Even in the event that we fail.... We need to lower his war potential.

Gin POV-

Walking up to the drow scouts, I see that the leader is deep in thought. She looks up at me and seems confused.

”Hello? You guys wanted to come into contact with us?” Gin

”Ahem. Yes, it seems that we were mistaken. Excuse us.” Drow scout leader

What the hell? This is suspicious as hell. I order the spiderlings to surround these guys. They end up panicking and draw small things from under their coats....? FUCK! Crossbows fire at me. My vision is blocked by red. Huhhh. Xelu....




A couple of massive chunks are missing. Through one I can see the scouts panicking as they are surpressed by the spiderlings..... My blood feels cold. A feeling is drudged up. Hatred.

Set immediately reacts and starts drawing on the ground to create an image. She detaches herself to do it easier. I walk up to the drow who have been wrapped in webbing already. Kess and Vulki are fuming mad as well.

”Vulki, extract everything you can from them. It doesn't matter how you do it. Kess, go monitor the battlefield. We left it without a commander which is dangerous.” Gin

””Yes”” Vulki and Kess

I am not consumed by my feelings. It could be due to steel mind or from having my mind altered from being part spider. It doesn't matter. What matters is my negligence. I should not have walked towards unknown entities with no real planning.

Looking at the ground, I see a crossbow along with a small quiver. Explosive crossbow bolts. Something I did not expect to find on a drow. I take them. They are powerful. I have the urge to just break them but, that is nonsensical. Walking back over to Xelu and Set, it seems that Xelu is already healed. I calm down a little seeing that she is fine.