33 The circus has come to town (1/2)
”Welcome one, welcome all to the circus in the edge!”
*distantly* ”oh yeaaah!”
”Calm down now, today we have a 'special' attraction but, that is for later. First up is this. mysterious creature from one of the innumerable sideworlds”
What walked out was a tall, thin, and pale creature. It's hands, feet, and neck were shacked with chains. It also is gagged so it can't make any noises. It's pupils shivering as it looks around Poor creature..... Wait, what am I doing here? I fell asleep a minute ago. This scene is quite odd.....
I'm sitting in a wooden stand inside a massive blue tent. It seems that this is a circus? The people are weird too. They are wearing victorian era clothing. The kind nobles from then would wear. They have ridiculous white powdered wigs as well. The weirdest part is their faces.
They look like they have skin stretched over a normal face. You can see where their eyes bulge into the skin and movements as they talk. As the ringleader yells everyone focuses in on the pale creature.
”Now it's up to the crowd. Stay, slay, or save! This pale Uniquity is in your hands!” Ringmaster
”Slay! Slay! Slay!” Crowd
They all go into a frenzy stomping on the wooden stands and clapping their hands in rhythm with their shouts. Why does this creature deserve this? It collapses as its eyes start watering. Everyone quiets down as the ringleader starts up again.
”Today we have brought in Gillian to be the slayer. An all time favorite of the crowds!” Ringleader
A small white robed figure walks through a gate that opens from the floor. It seems that there are stairs that lead downward? He has elaborate red runes drawn on his robes. He raises his arms and it seems that he is clutching iron stakes in his gloves.
The crowd roars as he nears the creature. There is a huge amount of bloodlust reeking in the air. This Gillian stabs his stakes into the creatures limbs and attaches chains to the ends of them....
The creature is picked up by the chains.... They are attached to wooden rafters above.... As they get tighter and tighter the creature starts squealing through its gag. Tears fall on the dirt center floor of the tent.....
I try to move. To to shout. Anything....? What is this? A nightmare? I thought these were gone. No, this is no nightmare.