9 Another One (2/2)

Arachnomancer tektite 17780K 2022-07-23

(Evolution Possible at level 5)

level: 3

Required exp: 750

Health (270/270)

Resource-Ink essence(95/95)

Shared perk- Closed System(defaultly


Loyalty: Max


As soon I name her, I get a thought put in my head. No, not a thought.... More like a feeling. Excitation. I take a look at her it she seems to be holding back from jumping on me. 'Well lets see what you can do.'


Set jumps at my face and sticks to it. I.... I cant see..... Or breathe..... I tried grabbing her to throw her off, but my hand just sinks in and she starts vibrating even more excitedly. 'Come on! Get off!'

Must have been sent as a command as she hops off and reforms into a spider form. Apparently she blobified to me. Come on. I'm feeling despair through telepathy. Ok.... 'You can stick to me as long as it doesn't cause me trouble.'

As Set gets permission she breaks up into streams that flows along my upper torso and head becoming tattoos that curve and twist into a maze-like pattern. She seems to dislike the roots in my chest as she keeps away from them.

I start to feel power flow through the tattoos as they break away from my body and slash at the remains of one of the eggs I broke earlier. The tattoos start to fade until I cant see them anymore and I can see a few more slashes appear on the eggs remains. So, she can use stealth as well. Can't really determine the lethality of those slashes since it's an egg but....

”Good job”Gin

She reforms into a spider on the ground and starts shaking in happiness.Hmmmm.... I feel like I'm forgetting something..... Wait, Where's Kess?!?! I look around frantically and spot her a couple meters away. She's.... Eating the broken eggs. Not only that she's forcing her subordinates to carry here. Not only a glutton but lazy huh.... Luckily they are made of iron too otherwise....


She freezes. Her subordinate turns her to look at me and she starts to tear up again. Again, that won't work. Please stop. Something weirds going on with Set too. She's getting way too excited.

”How do I deal with this?”Gin