Chapter 274 Legend Part 1 (1/2)

Chapter 274 Legend (Part 1)

Heavenly Body guild.

“Leader, we’ve received information from a reliable source about the sightings of Gongzi You in the Sacred Snowy Mountain. She got into a fight with one of the parties there.”

“Oh.” The leader of Heavenly Body was none other than the top-player of the Northern Continent, Lethal Poison, who was also known as the No.1 Druid of Fate. He was a plump man who was always wearing a kind smile on his face. But if one mistook him for a pushover, they would be making a grave mistake. Despite his good nature, Lethal Poison could also be cruel in battle. He was more vicious and merciless than the top-players of the other continent, and those who dared stand in his way would find themselves suffering from his wrath.

And his methods were very creative.

Lethal Poison was currently studying the map of the abandoned fortress made by one of the Life Players in his guild.

The major guilds in the Northern Continent each had tricks up their sleeves to survive in their peculiar balance of power. Each of them maintained large numbers of sub-guilds, as well as untold numbers of Life Players that were not part of their guild as part of their logistics network.

The benefits of such a measure is self-evident. It could greatly reduce the spendings of a guild, and hide the true strength of a guild’s logistics from its rivals.

Heavenly Body would of course employ such a measure, as well as Sangharama Shrine, Rain of Blood, and the other major guilds of each continent.

Each guild knew that their rivals would do the same thing, but they could never have an accurate gauge of the extent of their rivals.

Lethal Poison’s maps were made by one such group of Life Players, who made the maps under the escort of one of the sub-guild’s Rogues under very dangerous circumstances. Even if they could not gain direct access to the fort, the players were still able to map out the staging area of the three guilds.

It could be said to be the best possible map to be made. If GPS existed in the game, it would achieve the same result.

Lethal Poison’s attention was focused fully on the maps. He did not appear to be paying attention to his subordinates, but those who were close to him knew full well that he was capable of multitasking. He was digesting the information given to him even as he was studying the map.

His subordinates waited patiently for his orders. They knew the way he handled things after working for him for a long time. He might appear to be absent-minded, but the cogs in his mind were churning.

Lethal Poison raised his head after a long while, “How many members were there in the party? Five of them?”


“Were they all killed?”

“No, three of them were killed, one was crippled, and one managed to flee.” Lethal Poison’s subordinates were confused by his question, but they remained silent. They knew that even if his questions served a purpose even if they appeared to be illogical.

Lethal Poison blinked, and the smile returned to his face as he continued studying the map. Some of his subordinates were growing restless, “Leader, do we…”

“Go after Gongzi You?”

“Yes. She’s the top player of the Eastern Continent. Won’t there be a problem if we leave her be?” the guild members aid with a sigh, “Her presence in this place especially at a time like this is quite worrying.”

“Nangong, do you think that I’ve not thought about that?” Lethal Poison who was still staring at the map smiled at a Rogue standing before him clad in Purple-quality equipment. Despite the usually dark theme of a Rogue’s equipment, the faint patterns on his armor was a sign that it was of the best quality. The Rogue was Nangong Yunfei, the top Rogue of the Heavenly Body guild, and was one of Lethal Poison’s most trusted subordinates.

Nangong Yunfei was actually a player who was on par with a top-tier player. But due to his humble nature and his rare appearance in public, not many of the guild’s members knew about his true strength. Some of them did not even know of his existence. This trait was exactly what Lethal Poison needed. A nameless but skillful player who could lurk in the dark was more useful than a well-known player at times.

This was why Nangong Yunfei was deeply involved in intelligence gathering for the guild.

“I don’t quite get it.”

Nangong Yunfei and Lethal Poison shared a weird relationship. Their relationship was that of a subordinate and a boss, but they were also old friends who knew each other very well.

“I know how you like to play things safe, but I don’t Gongzi You is here because of the fort.” said Lethal Poison with a smile.

“I disagree. Are we going to ignore the fact that she might help one of our rivals out just because she’s a player from an opposing continent? If I’m not mistaken, she made a deal with Genesis last time.” Nangong Yunfei shook his head. He was worried about the presence of a top-tier player from an opposing continent.

Lethal Poison nodded at his words, “You’re not necessarily wrong, but I don’t think that’s the case.”

He looked away from the maps and at Nangong Yunfei, “If Gongzi You is here to help one of the guilds out, she would be scouting out the Mor Jiami plains instead of sneaking her way into the Sacred Snowy Mountain. That is proof that she did not wish to be caught in a fight against us. It’s obvious that her destination was the Sacred Snowy Mountain from the start. If my guess is correct, she was here for a very important mission. Besides, if she wouldn’t have been spotted by that party so easily if it was her intention to raise trouble for us.”

Nangong Yunfei was still worried despite Lethal Poison’s words, but he remained silent after noticing the certainty in his guild leader’s expression , “Alright then, I’ll send someone to spy on her.”

“By the way, find out what sort of mission she is up to if you can. She might be trying to explore a dungeon just like the one she did with Fleeting Time.” there was a hint of annoyance in Lethal Poison’s voice, “Goddamn it, those lucky bastards in Genesis! I bet they got a lot of items with two top players clearing a hidden dungeon for them.”