189 alone (1/2)
Sometimes I feel like everything is standing against me
I feel like I'm completely alone
Yes, I've always been alone And yet I was never desperate or felt the way I'm feeling now
I'm full of so much rage and killing intent.
And Because of the way I'm feeling now I attack without thinking
Not because I feel like I'm going to win or because they're weak, but because one of them made our lives miserable
He killed our friend without mercy he didn't talk he didn't say anything he just attacked for no reason and killed him
Now am I still the villain of the story
Time was passing slowly as I was hiding to the giants direction
And I was thinking about everything I thought about my life and the choices that got me here
I think I'm gonna die here. Damn it
Damn it
I was like a small bird Compared to the giants I was A little higher than them
One of them tried to grab me with his hand
But I avoided him
” earth's snake.” appeared out of the ground Giant thorns like snakes
And caught their feet
One of them started screaming
And randomly attacking me so I cut off one of his fingers
Then I flayed over his head
”golden Hammer.” A big hammer came down from the sky on his head
And made his head split in half
One of the giants lA landed an attack on me
He made me fly so far from where we were
Blood began to appear all over my body
I lost control of my body for a moment
one of the giants headed to me fast
He caught my body with his hand
I'm gonna die this time. There's no way out
This was my last chance
I felt like he was going to break my body
”Energy shield.”
”Energy waves.” i blew his hand off with that attack, blood came from every direction
But when I looked up
I found another giant arriving, raised His sword is high and was about to landed on my body
”shadow steps.”
I moved somewhere else quickly
One giant notice so he headed for Hind, Zed and shard
I tried to catch up with that fucking giant
But before I get to him
He looked at me and smiled
'it was a trap.'
It's too late to do anything he Raised his weapon And he attacked my body
There was nothing left to do
But suddenly, came out of the ground, a big Piece of earth. It stood between me and the wepon and stopped it from reaching me
I looked at the new thing that joined the battlefield
It was Rokan.
”master, have you forgotten about me?”
He was in his child form
After he lifted his hand off the ground the rock barrier that stood between me and the giant disappeared
He said that as he put his hand on the ground again
A very big stone cage came out
Much bigger than the giant
He came out of this cage, a human like hands