187 the smile (1/2)
And when I woke up
I was feeling completely empty
I felt like my heart Stopped beating
the world around me was no longer the same
I found out that the leader of the Institute is related to the Joker
He's the one who protected us
I remembered my sister's last words to me
I tried everything I had to eliminate this void in my heart
And thevteam helped me with that
Everyone was very helpful
So Our journey began again
As I decided to take revenge for my sister
I decided to kill every member of the Shadows union
And I'm not doing it alone, the Blood League going to do it with me
So I decided to get stronger
I couldn't forget my sister for a second
I practiced and practiced
Raising my strength for her
I've become stronger than before
Now I'm getting close to the team power that's no longer a team to me, but a family
The Joker smartness surprised us every time
When entered the first tower
I killed monsters of every kind
blood was coming out of my body every time
But I kept going rising my strength
I was killing everything that stood in my way
I was going to die more than once
But it wasn't my time to die yet
Suddenly in the middle of pattel i was called to a strange white place
There was the Joker
And Zed
I was happy to meet everyone
After the Joker explained us
We're going to head back To kill the demons king
I was happy
Because I needed more power to take my revenge
And now we're going to head to back home
To take down the demons King
Me and the team has spent a lot of time together
But I still miss my sister
A girl appeared out of nowhere
She was so beautiful
She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
Her eyes
Her skin
It was perfect
she said, ”You seem to have forgotten someone.”
She was talking to the Joker
I looked around to understand what did she mean
Because everyone was here
And suddenly appeared
Pretty girl
I ran to her as fast as I could
I hugged her
I didn't know what to do Other than cry in her arms
I remembered everything that happened to us. And I couldn't stop my tears
But I felt something strange
I felt something different.
But she said suddenly as she pushed me away
”Who are you?”
When she said that, I felt my chest getting torn apart
Like I'm been killed a thousand times
”Do I know you?”
”how did I get here”
I tried to get close to her again
But a big shield appeared in her hand
But I don't care
She's definitely not gonna attack her little brother
But the shield hit me making me fly back
As some blood came out of my mouth
No, that's not happening. She's not gonna attack again