174 family reunion (1/2)
When you look at absolute evil once, you can't just go about your life after that and forget what just happened
It will Hant you and keep you away from the world, it will destroy you and then take your life away
It could cuff your hand and deprive you of your right to life
After I saw the sword hacking zed's head
I felt shocked
You could die this easily
The sword had penetrated his body but there was no blood dropping out of his head, only the sword that penetrated his head
But that shock disappeared after I saw Zed body turn into a shadow and disappear quickly
”Is that how you greet your big brother after all this time, you seem to have forgotten how things go in this family, little brother?”
Zed said looking at his brother with sad eyes
Name: Teddy
Level: 100
Type: Devil
Note: his body being Controlled he will die in 20 minutes
”Z's it seems like someone is controlling him you must be careful and not fall into the death trap.”
I said it out loud so Zed can hear it
But he didn't look at me. He kept looking at his brother
”Teddy, where have you been all this time, I thought you died with my father that day? I looked everywhere in every piece of land until finally I felt desperate and decided to give up”
But Zed question went without an answer
I didn't move. I didn't do anything
I don't like getting in the middle of family affairs
I'd rather let them handle it and let Zed have some time with his brother
Teddy held his sword and headed towards Zed again
He attacked With random moves like he wanted Zed to kill him
His eyes were saying that.
'Please kill me'
Please kill me, brother
I saw it in his eyes and I think that Zed saw it too
But Z jumped behind him
And he held him to the ground
”Why are you trying to kill me?”
Zed said angry
But he didn't get an answer
”Zed, he's under the control of someone.”
”I know”
Zed said that then started looking back at his brother
I took out my mana and shaped it like a blue chains
I made it hold Teddy's body to the ground
At the same time, it reaches his body
Zed looked at me with thankful eyes
Teddy's eyes were red
His body was losing power at a fast speed
So I had to give his body some power
I didn't know what to do other than that. Control magic is the only magic that has no cure but death
So the end was knowing
Teddy's death or the death of the person who is controlling him
But where is that guy?
He should be somewhere near here
But where is he?
”The Leader's Eye.”
I looked around the castle. There were a lot of people here
And two of them had an amazing strength
They were Stronger than me
I kept looking
But I didn't find anyone around