157 rain (1/2)
What's the definition of rain if you asked anyone that question he simply going to tell you, after mocking the stupidity of your question simply that ran is water that fall from the sky
My inner range doesn't have a sky
So I was surprised by thr rain that's fall all over me
Where is this rain coming from
Where's it coming from?
It was really raining from above
Why do I see these little drops come down and make a sound that is rumbleing all around me?
After I said I'd kill the demon's King destroy him and burn him in front of his people
Only Yama and me were left everything else was gone
She looked at me angrily
She was extremely angry
She looked at me Like I'm the worst person in the world
I don't know why I didn't like that look
Why did i hate it
I wanted to talk but i kept quiet
with every look we shared, a lot of rain fell down
What's rain?
If you asked a philosopher, he will look into the sky for a few seconds
Then he will look at you and says, ”it's tears,” and then he lets you go your way and he will keep on thinking about it
Tears is the sky crying
Does Earth receives the tears of heaven and tears of humans like this without complaining
Fuck the earth
You carry the tears of the world without complaining
But even if it was crying, there was no sky to cry and make tears fall to the ground
The rain was starting to fall more and more
Her anger started to burn more and more
she looked at me with Her beautiful eyes, it still looks beautiful despite all the anger in them
I couldn't take my eyes off her
When she looked into my eyes angrily, I didn't know what to say
It's like my tongue's been stuck and i couldn't talk
My hand was tied up and I couldn't lift it up and grab yama and hold her in my arms
It's like I was tied to the ground with a giant iron chain that keeps me away from her
Since the first day I met this girl, and I felt like I knew her
I don't know why at this moment I feel lost inside my own heart
I'm like a a lost person that is screaming to the top of his lungs save me
Only to have his echoes come back to him and says wake up
Is she angry or sad?
Everything other than her faded around me
My world and her world, my feelings, my thoughts and my beating heart , too
Everything Stopped!
In front of her , it just stopped.
I raised my hand and put it on my chest so I could make sure my heart still works or it was corrupted and abandoned
I tried to look at something else, but everything about me was just drown to her