147 dragon king (1/2)

Ring Of Chaos jokere 21820K 2022-07-23

When I found out that who I was talking to with arrogant and called names

Was actually the Dragon King

I was shocked. This creature could have killed me in a moment

But the biggest shock that made me more confused

What happened to the egg made me more shocked

After the egg sucked the attack from the dragon, it started to reveal a larger aura

it started sucking the aura and energy of the dragon

The dragon couldn't do anything but try to fly, but the more he tried to fly, he fell to the ground

Without any strength

Whatever he tried, he couldn't do anything

His strong skin was weakening

And his body started to shake

His wings are starting to go wild

”Please I'll be your servant I will do anything, but please let me live. ”He said it out loud trying to collect his energy

I was so weak. and didn't have any power

But I looked at him and said out loud

”I don't want a servant like you, you fucking dragon.”

The dragon's energy was almost over as ha was weakened more and more

”You won't be able to control the monster inside that egg, it'll kill you like he killed me today, he will pull your energy and make you just like me one day.”

When he finished, he couldn't move or talk anymore

His face became pale, but suddenly the egg stopped pulling his power

It's like it was taking pleasure in killing him

I think the thing in this egg is starting to like it

You must have fun killing your enemy, letting him know he has no control over his life or death

”Fuck you.” that was with his last words

Then I stood up and started to gather my energy

I went and I stood in front of him

I got close and whispered him

”you tried to kill the wrong person, you must know that I am the king of death, so won't die before I get my revenge against the demon king.”

When I said the word ”Demon King” his face changed like he wanted to say something

But he couldn't say anything right now

So I cut off his limbs and wings and hang them in front of his eye

He couldn't even scream in a clear voice

His looks at me is enough

He was asking me to kill him

But I want to enjoy torturing him more

I want to make him realize he's the one who doesn't know the limits of the sky, not me

And after I got bored with him

I whispered to him with a light and scary voice

”When you die, give your best to those before you.”

then I cut his neck completely off I didn't make one part connected to the other


I burned his body in a moment with my black flame,i made him turn into vapor and helped me with that attack was the dragon egg


Name: Dragon seed

Time left: year

I think pulling the power from this dragon has made it less time

And when I felt the energy that it was in the egg, I was imagining how powerful the object that was inside that egg

And how he has all that power and he hasn't even come out yet

I have to control him when he comes out, I smiled as I thought about it

\u003cI finished the special test\u003e