133 The End of the curse (1/2)
I have to take out that fucking monster in 30 minutes
”master, you'll die if you don't kill it”
Dima said it fast and she started spinning everywhere
”You want to kill me, Cha Cha Sha.”
It was said by a voice that came out of from nowhere
'This monster is really crazy, huh?'
Then all of a sudden, it turned dark
\u003cThe secret range of the sixth floor leader has been activated.\u003e
when the light came back, I found mirrors everywhere around me and the reflection of the doll was in each of them
And it had a terrifying smile on its face
”I'm the one who's gonna kill you, Cha Cha Sha.”
suddenly it came out of a mirror and tried to attack me, but I strongly confronted her with my sword
But it went back to one of the mirrors
”Are you looking for me, Cha Cha Cha?”
I looked but I didn't talk
I was looking elsewhere around me
That fucking doll wants to play a dangerous game with me
And I have to be careful, so I've been looking at everything around me very carefully
I was trying to collect my thoughts to kill that fucking doll
Dima was standing in front of the mirror and sticking out her tongue
Her behavior is really like kids
And if the doll tries to attack her, I will back her and I Defend the attack
”After you activat my secret range, you can't get out of here before you kill me, even me can't get out of here, Cha Cha Cha.”
After I heard that, you broke the mirror in front of me
when that happened
The doll laughed so hard
”Do you really think you're gonna kill me like that, you're a big fool, Cha Cha Sha?”
At that moment, I smiled
”Why are you smiling, you're going to die, you're crazy, are that scared, Cha Cha Sha-sha?”
”Why would I be afraid of you, stupid doll, why I'm going to be afraid of just a dummy like you?”
I said that and laughed so hard
At that moment, showed up behind me a big throne
I went to the throne smiling lightly
Then I sat on the throne and put one foot over the other
The look on the doll face was a look os confusion
Dracula showed up in front of me with her beautiful red dress
I said quietly
”Are my 700 soldiers ready,Dracula?”
Dracula kneeld on the ground
And she said in a sharp voice
”Yes, master.”
”Why don't we call them here?”
”this place is to small,master”
”I expected it.”
”Call as many as you can call him and destroy all those mirrors.”
”yes Master .”
”But don't kill that doll. Leave it to me.”
I looked at the mirrors in the back and found that the doll changed its expression
When I attacked one it was to see if it was gonna be renewed or not
If they'll replaced I would have used another way
But these mirrors will not last a minute alone in front of my army
”master, you're a genius!” Dima said
”Why don't you attack with them, Dima.”
”I'll do what you say, master”
Dracula and an army of dark soldiers started attacking mirrors and Dima was just watching