125 martial arts (1/2)

Ring Of Chaos jokere 23270K 2022-07-23

Be different. But Be confident

Don't be a freak like the others don't shut your mouth and stay quiet about your opinion

And don't move forward when there's something calling you from behind.

You're a human who can do the impossible

the world isn't chasing you alone. The world is chasing everyone like you're its prey

So why don't the prey turn into a hunter and attack the predator without mercy

Why are you standing there waiting for death?

So be different. Be confident

Nothing in the world can beat you

you're the one who's gonna beat the world eventually

Everyone was surprised at what had happened.

So I looked at them as i smiled then i said with a loud voice.

”a Question that's eating you from the inside, I think one question is going through your mind.”

I started moving my hand like a crazy person, as I look at them. And in a clear i said

” What happened? You might be wondering”

The place was completely silent. Some people have turned into bones in one moment without me moving from my place

So I responded to my own question. As I stood in my place and gave them an introduction to my sword

The sword of Athena

”This is my dear sword, he's a little hungry and also a little Naughty, so he's the criminal here, not me, I'm an innocent person.”

Jamal looked at me with surprise, he still couldn't believe that I did that yet.

But I'm gonna make him believe. By l taking his soul and piercing his damn stomach with my sword, I'm gonna make him a person full of holes

”shadow steps.”

I got in front of him with my sword in my hand and as i was about to hack his chest open

Someone appeared in front of Jamal

And he grabbed the sword with his bare hands. Like The sword was nothing

He was one of the old men that was standing behind him

Jamal's face was shocked. He couldn't believe that he was about to die.

But I couldn't believe that someone dared to grab my sword

The old man Punched my chest before I could take back my sword

he made me fly away after I hit the ground. I looked at him as some blood came out of my mouth

Damn you, aren't the elders not supposed to interfere in young people battles Ha-ha-ha

That's fucking cheating.

I'm now level 160

So their strength is higher than mine

Some blood came out of my mouth

I feel like this fight is gonna be fun

I looked at jamal and smiled at him then I said with a lot of irony

”Now hide behind them and don't show me your face or I'm going to kill you, you coward , I'm going to wipe the floor with your dead body.”

Jamal felt angry and headed towards me with absolute speed

And that's what I wanted

My goal was to piss that motherfucker off. He's my prey

The old man tried to stop him but it was too late

He said as he headed towards me in an angry voice

”I'm going to kill you, I'll rip your body apart, I'll smash this place over your head.”

Why is this son of a bitch so angry

It's not good for his health

AZ His fist came close to my face

” Illusion.”

But he found out what he was attacking was an illusion

I was laughing behind him