108 pain (1/2)

Ring Of Chaos jokere 21520K 2022-07-23

The truth that you will realize someday that nothing lasts but the pain

Pain is a curse and at the same time it will teach you about life

if you do not feel pain, you won't understand what I'm saying.

Without pain You will never learn, you will be a fixed thing.

You will be stuck in your place

You must suffer in order to know the good from the bad

Because the bad thing will hurt you, so you won't repeat the same mistakes.

That's why you have to suffer.

When I looked at her and the arrow that broke through her chest, I was in shock

Where the hell did this arrow come from?

And how didn't I feel it? How did I not realize that there is an arrow that's coming in my direction

How did I not notice? Was it because there was so much in my mind.

My mind was chaos in chaos but no matter how much I thought. I didn't get an answer

I couldn't believe that I would lose Lina just like I lost Hind.

It was a difficult thing to accept

And before I did anything, another arrow penetrated her body

She was looking at me with tears falling from her face

As if everything was moving in slow motion as if everything stopped

my eyes met with hers, and I didn't know what to say. Her tears were killing my heart, and the blood coming out of her body made me feel helpless.

”Energy Shield”

A third arrow collided with the shield before reaching her body

But the strange thing is that the arrow can penetrate a layer of my shield

This is sufficient to demonstrate the strength of the arrow owner

” Leader's Eye”

I looked towards where the arrow came from

I found a man standing far away, holding a bow, wearing a cloak, as something covering his face

I felt like he was looking in my eyes, even though the distance between us was huge

I tried to Chase after him

But suddenly Lina grabbed my hand

”Don't go?” She said with pain her voice.

I looked at the man again with anger and found him smiling

A large bird appeared from nowhere and took him away

The sound of his laughter was piercing my ear

Damn this bastard

I Looked at Lina, who was holding my hand tight

”Master, she's about to die so try to heal her quick”

I got close to Lina

”sky Peacock”

But nothing happened



A look at her with intense fear and anxiety, I don't understand why she didn't heal

I sent all of my energy to her, but nothing happened

She was just looking at me and smiling

Why the hell are you smiling now you're about to die

She tried to get the arrow out of her body, but she was in pain more and the bleeding was getting bigger

”master, these arrows will not be able to handle them. If you take them out, her organs will explode and you cannot heal her, because these arrows are able to reset magical power. You can't do anything she's about to die.” Dimah said in a calm voice.

I tried again to heal her again