84 the tes (1/2)
When I saw that glob in his hands, I was astonished.
Really, Tamers is so strong. I never imagined that he possessed all these monsters. I don't know if he hiding any more.
But I have no solution now but to use my dark army.
I don't know the levels of the monsters in these balls.
And I don't know what the result of the battle will be. all I know is that I cannot surrender to anyone or submit to anyone. If I were to die I would die and lift my head to the sky and smile.
Just smile
But what I heard was the voice of Murad's laughter, he was laughing hard after he saw my body's readiness for the next battle.
he threw the globe into my hand I caught it naturally.
”What is this?” I said so as I was confused.
”You passed the test and these balls are yours. Now Saad told me that you are Tamer to and now I discovered that you are also a warrior and a magician. I don't know where you have all this power or all of these specialities, but I like you and know that you are still hiding some strength, so if you can fill this empty globes with monsters, you will find me After a year waiting for you in the hills East of the dragon tree, I will teach you everything I know about the speciality of tamers and all the rare skills. These are the orders of Teacher Saad”
He said that and he ordered his soldiers to move, he didn't look back and didn't stop laughing, his suspicious laugh.
But when I saw the Tamer wopean in my hand, I smiled, now I can tame 200 monsters per ball.
I will have an army over my army of darkness. I think I am now invincible.
I was smiling so hard I so happy with all that power I have.
Strength is the most important thing. If you become strong, everyone will tremble in front of you.
I remember when I was in my real-world after I destroyed the strongest gang in a bloody way.
The whole world was trembling when hearing my name, I was death and destruction for them.
There was no one who was not afraid of Grey.
That is why the governments of the world suddenly decided to form an alliance against me.
I had the strongest gang in the world, but damn they are the government they have a lot of weapons and plans.
If they find our place, we will be eliminated in a short while.
I couldn't sleep because I thought too hard in the future and what would I do.
Even at one moment, I slept without knowing what to do.
I saw that old, one-eyed white Beard he was on his dreaded wheelchair.
In my dream, he looked at me and said in a quiet voice
If you want to completely eliminate someone, fight him from the inside.
So I decided to kill them from the inside. I ignited corruption in all the countries that acted against me.
I destroyed their bombing of facilities, revolutions, I spread hunger and ignorance, I spread chemical and infectious diseases. It made those governments preoccupied with these ridiculous things, and then began to assassinate the presidents.
In the worst way possible.
Some I cut off their heads, some I Cut off their limbs, and show everything on TV.
After that, whoever comes from my head will have his body trembling in fear. Anyone that stood against me will face the same fate.
Therefore, the world entered a dark Era. I have become an era of crime and murder.
I was the leader of the strongest gang and I was also the leader of the world. I am the destruction that destroyed everything
I survived without knowing how I did it, but I am only afraid to be in the last row or to die if I become a constant thing that does not move. I survived because I don't like losing.
When I finished I looked at Shard and the team they were looking at me.
”Are you really a child or a monster?” Z said as he approached me
”I am both see me as you like,” I said, as I smiled.
Khaled approached me and put his hand on my shoulder and said in a weird voice, making fun of me
”If you had let me help you, you would have killed them all without getting injured and had all these wounds due to these weak monsters”
I laughed so hard that I couldn't hold myself anymore then I said.
”I know that.”
Lina and shard laughed, Khaled got annoyed, and pressure on my body began
”What are we going to do now?” This was an absurd question
”We will head to the last city before the mountains of gold, the city of the Shadows Syndicate.”
We are now on the way to the last city before we reach the Gold Mountains.
The first city we encounter that is under the control of the Shadows Syndicate. Saad told us that this city is the smallest city under the control of the union, but there is a large force and a large number of soldiers The numbers of soldiers may reach two thousand soldiers levels ranging between 50 to 80 and there is the king of the city and the 5 generals that their level is 100.
”Prepare for our first revenge for your sister, Khaled,” I said as I look at Khaled