I looked at shard and I was shoked
What does this damn demon doing with him?
”I'm glad you're still alive” He said that with a smile
”I am also happy that I am alive”
”But who that with you?”
” He said that is –Z-”
”He is a powerful wizard I met him in the first test and continued with him until the second test”
I looked at the tiny horn on his head
He noticed that and looked at me but not an evil look
”I forgot to tell you he's a demon but he's not a bad one. He saved my life many times”
I know that not all demons are evil. There has been a great period of peace, but I don't care. I will kill everyone because of what their leader did.
Suddenly Khalid appeared and interrupted shard and with him a beautiful girl. She was tall with perfect eyes
A little shorter than shard
Her body is so great, she carries a large white shield
With a small sword hanging on her waist
”gray This is my older sister Hind. now we only need two people”
After that, I looked to Shard and Z
”No, we no longer lack anyone,” I said this and I smiled happily
I looked at the girl who came with Khaled and used
Name: Hind
class: Warfare
race: Human
Level: 60
Capabilities: Energy sculptures
This girl may be in chard age
But her level is so high
Wait! I can no longer see the feelings of others to me
This is a problem but i don't know what to do so i let it to another time
I really formed a strange and powerful team
Water witch that develops her magic into the ice a hybrids girl that feels embarrassed of everyone
The magician of darkness who has a rare charm and is also a he is a demon
a regular warrior, but he has a sword which has great strength. He became level 50in just five years
A warrior-assassin that has great speed and also his level is very high for his age
A warrior level 60 that is beautiful. this kind of warrior so rare as I read in some books because it needs a great strength
What is this crazy team
Each one looks at the other with surprise
shard looked at me
”Now I understand how you survived. You made strong friends.” He said that, smiling happy, because I made other friends
I presented them to each other quickly