Chapter 281 - Soul: Aizen is dead ;-; (1/2)

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Soon after saying goodbye to Ikkaku Ichigo started to ”run away” from a huge group of Shinigami pursuing him.

Ganju Ichigo's cousin was in the same situation after he won his incredible epic battle against the effeminate Shinigami. Okay, it wasn't epic in the slightest, Ganju simply keeps throwing things towards the effeminate Shinigami until he eventually blacked out. Well, it is a shitty strategy, but it worked, so I don't see why I would complain.

Both started running away from pursuing Shinigami at incredibly high speeds. The number of Shinigami soldiers running behind them only increasing with time.

Soon enough both Ichigo and Ganjo met each other in opposite directions, their pursuers sealing off their means of escape. Soon enough both Ichigo and Ganjo started fighting the foot soldiers Shinigami whiteout stop.

After clearing a good number of them more new people arrived, Ichigo and Ganjo quickly pick up someone from the crowd to use as a ”hostage”. They ended up picking poor Hantaro, the 3rd seat of the 4th division.

I pity the boy and the fact that no one seems to care about his wellbeing. The fact that he is a healer was rather ironic. If there is something I learned from my days as a Ninja, is to never piss off your medic, if there is someone who can easily make your life more difficult and even kill you this person is your medic. Just by the fact that they know your ”weakness” very well. the same is for the cooks, never piss off the people who are making your food, they can easily put something weird in your food and you probably won't even notice. In summary, don't mess with your doctor or cook.

Before things could get even more messy chad appeared on all of his glory punching every Shinigami and giving some space for Ichigo and Ganjo to continue their journey to save Rukia.

Thankfully Hantaro knew a shortcut so they quickly approached the place of her prison.

But the one who was there to greet them was Renji.

Ichigo and Renji barely traded some words before the fight already started, Renji didn't even hesitate this time around, and he already did have his [Shikai] activated. With a powerful swing of [Zabimaru], he managed to send Ichigo flying through some walls of concrete.

But thanks to the [SSS] Ichigo was able to use his giant Khyber knife to block Renji's powerful swing, so he only sustained some small wounds. But the old wounds of his previous fights started to open and drop blood once more, which would be dangerous if they were deeper.

Renji didn't hesitate and already sent another swing of his [Zabimaru] easily destroying a big building behind Ichigo, the destruction send a big cloud of dust into the air and filled the floor with debris. Thankfully, the orange-haired Shinigami was able to evade the sword swing right on time.

Now Ichigo decided to counter-attack Renji, with surprising speeds he sent a downwards slash towards Renji torso. The redhead smirked and retaliated in full using the heavy wing of his [Shikai] to overpower Ichigo, wounding his arms and torso, while sending him flying away.

Using [Zangetsu] as support Ichigo was able to get up. Renji for some reason politely allowed him to do so. But the moment Ichigo got up [Zabimaru] was ready again, so Renji immediately went on the offensive.

Renji's sword extended again, but this time Ichigo was more ready for the confrontation. He parried the blade and tried to get close, Renji didn't like it and slashed yet again for the second time.

Ichigo was sent back a few meters but managed to parry the slash nonetheless. Now Renji have just one more slash before [Zabimaru] has to recover, and Ichigo isn't going to pass up an opportunity like that.

Without further ado, Ichigo dashes forward at incredible highspeed, and summoning an incredible amount of strength he was able to parry the third slash of [Zabimaru]. But this time he used the impulse of the slash to help propel him forward.

Without hesitating Ichigo slashes at Renji horizontally, Renji with his honed reflexes almost avoided it. But he ended up getting a huge cut on the stomach nonetheless.

Without hesitation, Renji slashed with [Zabimaru] in retaliation, cutting Ichigo diagonally. Ichigo almost fell from the sheer pain he was feeling but he gritted his teeth and pushed forward, also slashing diagonally at Renji.

Differently from before Ichigo's slash was way deeper this time, cutting through Renji's shoulder blades and almost cutting the red-haired man in half. But apparently for some miracle [Zabimaru] manage to save the slash from being lethal.

Renji promptly lost his headband, making his long mane of hair swinging wildly in the air while he fell down and left Ichigo with some words of wisdom.

Ichigo wasn't much better himself, quickly falling down due to the sheer number of wounds he had on his body right now. Thankfully due to the [SSS], he was able to avoid being hit in any lethal points.

Nex Hantaro is probably going to bring Ichigo underground to treat his injuries, while the injured Renji will be bullied by Byakuya.

But currently, none of this was of my concern.