Chapter 277 - Soul: [The Almighty]. (1/2)

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Ichigo's training was harsh, and Urahara was definitely not pulling punches... or slashes in this case. If somehow Ichigo got wounded Urahara has enough proficiency with [Kaido] to heal the orange-haired Shinigami rather easily, and Ichigo was wholly determined to save his friend Rukia so even being skewered by [Benehime] once or twice didn't waver his determination.

I would most certainly have trained Ichigo, but he didn't sleep. Yep, he passed through all these 10 days of training without sleep, something pretty impressive for who was previously a ”normal” human.

The guy trained 24/7 these days, almost like some kind of superhyped overclocked machine. And this training quickly showed an impressive amount of improvement, he grew in both skill, power, strength speed, control... Everything really. It was an all-out improvement that would make a lot of students of the Shinigami Academy green with envy.

Ichigo's talent was indeed something worthy of a Shounen protagonist. And with my [SSS] style added to the mix, the guy was improving even faster than the expectations of everyone. Minus of someone who has [Clairvoyance] and can clearly see multiple paths in the future. Okay, I will stop stroking my ego, it's too big already.

But with my [Clairvoyance] I could indeed see multiple paths in the future, and I've gotta say... Things have been drawing rather nicely later.

This Ichigo has a more accentuated Shinigami powers, meaning his [Reiatsu] is more stable than his canon counterpart. Don't get me wrong his control is still absolute garbage, and his [Reiatsu] was as massive as ever, but it is less... wild and unhinged.

Could it be a change of mentally my astral trip gave him? Yeah, it definitely could. Could it be because he got out of the pit earlier and wast ”Hollowfied”? Yeah, that is a possibility too. Or it could simply be these two together, or it could be a bunch of factors strewn around, or it could... There are a lot of ”what ifs” and ”or could” to be honest, so I guess it is best if I just continue here.

On the last Day of training Urahara simply let Ichigo rest. No training, and no surprise, simple and una.d.u.l.terated rest. And considering the boy has been training nonstop until now I choose to not bring a training session with him tonight. I simply filled his body with vitality using [Yang Release] and went back to Allessa.

”Hey... I also helped his friends a little bit, you know?”, She said, while telling she has been analyzing Ichigo's friends' powers, principally Inoe's and Ishida's, Chad's powers while also interesting are still quite on the margin of what is expected of a Fullbringer.

”Quincys are pretty interesting, not gonna lie. Besides the obvious power of Destroying Souls something very impressive... they also have a strange Weakness to Hollow [Reiatsu]...hmmm...”, Allessa who was just enthusiastically telling me about her research on Quincys, stopped for a second.

She thrust her hand on space for a bit and started searching her [Iventory], [Invetory] is a pretty practical spell she created some time ago, think of it like the inventory from ”The Gamer”, that is where she took inspiration from.

After rummaging for a bit she finally seems to find what she was searching for, Wehn her hand exited the [Inventory] a [Quincy Cross] was on her hand.

”I was able to pick one of those and I started examining and seeing what it is made of, what makes it tick, its materials... A real find depth analysis. It's quite the good thing these Quincy devices, I can easily create them now with my [Denial of Nothingness], I will pass you the information so you can probably easily create them too.”, she said that while she sent me all the info on Quincys she researched during this time I was playing as Ichigo's teacher.

”Okay, now I feel kind of bad... I was playing teacher and you were researching things... almost like I was playing around and you working...”, I said in a joking and self-mocking tone.