Chapter 270 - Soul: Dungeon Test. (1/2)
{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:
Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}
”Unohana is really the embodiment of a Kenpachi, look at how happy she is when slaughtering those hollows.”, I said while trying to hide a smirk of amus.e.m.e.nt on my face. Heh, I bet all those Shinigami never would be able to associate the tamer and polite Unohana with the bloodthirsty being we are monitoring right now.
Every floor she entered she would just let out her [Reiatsu] making every single Hollow run towards her direction with a primal thirst. After that, she would wait for every single enemy to congregate towards her before slaughtering them, thankfully the respawn timers are close to an instant so we don't have to wait too much time for anything.
”Do you think it would be better if every person that enters is in his own alternative version of the tower? Like that people like Unohana wouldn't be able to cause problems for the others.”, Said Allessa already thinking about new ways to upgrade the tower, it was a good thing we are making these tests a lot of things can change depending on what kind of data we gather.
”I think that is a good idea. In case any party or group wants to enter they can enter together in the same 'alternate' dungeon in this. It will be a lot of work to do something like that, but I guess if we use the [2nd True Magic] we will have an easier time.”, I said that my expression unwavering from the slight smirk on my face, I sincerely doubt that all this effort is really necessary, but we already started it, might as well go all out.
Rick and Gwen were also advancing as fast as Unohana, but different from her they didn't enjoy killing living beings that much. They were mostly casually dealing with the low-level hollows, knowing how strong they are they probably can reach the floor 500th, same as Elsa in this case.
”Hina, Hana, Toka, and Ryu are also doing better than I expected. I thought they were some kind of group focused on teamwork or something like that. But I guess being trained by Yamamoto curbed some of their bad habits.”, Said allessa while she hugged me and analyzed the progression of everyone. We were thinking of making a five to six hours test here, but depending on the circ.u.mstances we can change how much time it will take. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52517097112127924 for visiting.
”What is surprising is Momo's progress, didn't know the little girl had it in her.”
”Me neither, I did some pranks against her to test her skills and temper and I wasn't disappointed. So when she came to me asked for training I accepted. Her talent is pretty great, and I don't doubt she can become a captain in the future.”, I said while I thought about all the training Momo went through. Looking at Allessa, I can also see that she was lost in thought
Looking at Elsa I saw that she activated her [Shikai]. Her [Zanpakutou] name is Kalleldor and her [Shikai] ability is bringing her enemy to the depths of the ocean, her ability creates a sort of a pseudo-domain for that. It's a pretty scary ability considering she can control the pressure and the water too. How much depends on how much [Reiryoku] she spends, meaning her skill has a lot of potential.
”Hey, honey? Do you have a [Mangekyo Sharingan] Ability? I know the skill of both your [Rinnesharingan] and [Third Eye] is [Soul Control], so what is your [Sharingan] ability, I never saw you using it.”, Allessa asked curiosity clear on her voice.
Sheepishly I scratch the back of my head, the information right now is rather embarrassing for me ”Well, yeah. I have... It's just... I just discovered it recently as I didn't really have that much Reason to use it until now, its called [Implosion] for my left eye and [Explosion] to my right eye. The skill is pretty self-explanatory with [Implosion] I can cause any target on my left eye my field of view to implode, and with [Explosion] I can cause any target on my right eye field of view to explode... The explosion part is pretty similar to how [Killer Queen] works.”
”Hmm, you have five eyes right? Shouldn't you have more abilities or something like that?”, Aked Allessa a bit curious about the new ability I am showing her right now on some rocks I created using [Earth Release].
”Nah, as much as [Sharingan] is an eye power it is also a [Spiritual] one. It is the way an Uchiha the heirs of the spirit of the sage express their power upon the world. I could have a million eyes and I would only have two abilities. And [Susanoo] of course.”
Allessa hugs me a little more tightly and asks; ” Your [Susanoo] is also golden right?”, a smirk was also visible across her face she probably thinks it's funny that even my [Susanoo] would be golden.
”Yeah, it is golden... *Sigh* I call bullshit on this Hagoromo's [Susanoo] was also blue, why mine can't be a different color? Just for a change really...”, I said with equal amounts of humor and annoyance in my voice, only to receive a smirk from Allessa.
We continue watching as our friends climbed the tower killing more and more hollows as time went on. Soon enough they reached the floor 50th and had their Yang Side Awakened and properly fused, but considering that a lot of them already had it awakened and properly fused, the change was just for some of them.